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  1. M

    my last figure

    Hello Planeters!! Just small a post to show you my last painting, "Goum and Pépette" from Ilyad Games. It's the first figure of a series of four which must form with final a diorama. The aim is to work the composition of a diorama and also working metals and skin. I posted the picture on CMON...
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    Figure Poste Militaire?

    Hello planeteers, I seek this figure make by Poste Militaire a few years ago, somebody knows where I can buy it, since I believe that Poste Militaire does not exist any more. Thank you in advance.
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    Aquilifer, first century A.D Pegaso Models Ref : 75-016 12 parts, 350 gr., 75 mm Sculpted by Yuri Serebriakov Hello planeters! I have just finished today this Aquilifer. It took me one month of work. I will present my manner to work.. First of all, Aquilifer means “carrying eagle”. The eagle...
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    Roman legionary in lorica segmentata middle of first century A.D Pegaso Models 75-018 11 parts Sculpted by Yury Serebriakov It has been two weeks that I finished this figure. I show to you the process of realization. Your comments are always welcome to enable me to see the faults so that to...
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    I'll be back

    Dear all , It’s a very great pleasure which I return on the forum of “planet figure” that I left on November 19, 2004. The things were arranged, but I continued to be paint figures. The new registers don’t know me, well, I present me: I have 48 years old and I painted the figure in acrylics...
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    My friends, I am sad of you announce my departure :( . It is almost official, I change work next week, because I have a big problem with my superior (my chief), and I asked to leave, because I do not trust any more him and I cannot continue in these conditions. I do not still know where I am...
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    Problem of decoration.

    Hello to all !! I work at the moment on a figurine elite 70mm sculptured by Stefano Canone : " Private, 1st. New York Regiment of Continental Line ". My question concerns the decoration. I shall want to realize a wooden house, in fact just a wall with a piece of roof. But how was made the...
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    Congratulations to three members of PF

    Hello, In the french magazine "Figurine" N° 60, three names drew my attention. Joe Hudson, Lou Masses and Le Van Quang !! Joe : I much appreciate your creation of "Sherlock Holmes" to the 63 MFCA. It is an original figure, the attitude is very good!!! You can show us other photos on PF...
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    Presentation of a figure

    I notice that many of figurinesteers, put their figures on a generally black and brilliant tissue. I do not know where to find it, but can be that you have the other manners to make your presentation? How do you make? Thank you in advance, Your experience is precious for me. Bruno
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    where to find this figure, please

    Dears I chose this figure to represent my Avatar, because I like very much it. Somebody knows where I can find it ??
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    Paint a figure in purple

    Hi figureneers!!! I work on a new fantastic figure,( the beast of Joaquin Palacios ;) ) which I shall like painting completely in purple, Beast is in purple, Hulk is in green. ;) My base is purple pure. The problems of choice begin later. I work on the acrylic and that I shall like obtaining a...
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    Happy birthday DEB

    Anniversario allegro DEB e tutti i miei desideri per questo giorno di festa. Spèro che avrai un grande dolce questa sera a Perugia :lol:
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    Which head have us ??

    I found nice the idea of Quang to take a photo (post general - just got back from Euro) and to put it on the forum, we can so know or recognize Rob H., Johan, Robin, Qang, Frank H., John Brewer and Megroot. It left, I dash. The image it’s taken with a webcan isn’t terrible, but it’s me :( ...
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    How learnt you has to paint?

    It can seem surprising, but it has been a long time since I ask this question, how to learn to paint well?? As a lot, I began by buying books with many pictures (spain magazine euromodelismo ) on the acrylic painting (because I am allergic to solvents necessary for the oil painting!!) and to...
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    My Roman Centurion

    Hi, all! I decide to show you my lastet current figure, it’s a Roman centurion from Andrea. I painted with Prince August acrylic. I have to paint the helmet, the feathers and the pectoral decorations. As soon as he(it) will be finished, I shall put a new photo. My big problems remain the...
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    Problem photo

    Hi all! How to post a photoplease?. The maximum file size of the files attachments is 100 Ko, my photo makes only 96 ko in .jpg, but this message appears and it does not work. How to make “you cannot upload this type of file” and it does not work. Thanks in advance. Bruno
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    Bonjour à tous

    Hello Lately registered, I present myself. I'm French, 46 years, married 2 children. I live in Champigny (suburbs close to Paris) and works in Paris. My great passion is painting figures and I dream to sculpt ... I find many councils for painting and sculpting, and many talented peopleon this...