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  1. pkw4

    quartermaster romeo 75mm

    Dear friends This is my latest.A Romeo figure. It is Painted in oils for flesh tones and leather items, and acrilics for the rest. Cheers Roberto
  2. pkw4

    9th hussars 54mmby pegaso

    Dear friends Here is another Napoleonic figure.Painted in acrilics . I hope you like it Cheers Roberto
  3. pkw4

    French Carabiner 75mm pegaso

    Dear Friends after some weeks with a broken computer finally i'm back on line .This is my latest work. The copper is Tamyja clear orange and some Clear Red Applied with an airbrush directly on the polished metal.Leather items are in oil and clothing in acrilics. Cheers Roberto
  4. pkw4

    Roman vignette

    Dear Friends This is my latest work.Painted in acrilics. Merry Christamas to you all Roberto
  5. pkw4

    Greek Stategos Pegaso 90mm

    Dear friends This is my latest.Just in time for Euro. Regards Roberto
  6. pkw4

    Somenthing from the Dublin show

    Dear friends At the Dublin Show I'VE SPOTTED THIS VIGNETTE.At first i tought it was a convertion. Then i discoverd that this little beauty is produced by Masterclass . Am i the only one to have missed the released of this vignette? This can be found at Historex agentor at...
  7. pkw4

    Roman Tribune Pegaso 75mm

    Dear friends this is my latest.A great sculpting as usual from pegaso. Hope you like it Regards Roberto
  8. pkw4

    Germanic warrior finished

    Dear friends here is my version of the Pegaso 75mm Germanic warrior. Any comment welcome
  9. pkw4

    Germanic Warrior W.I.P.

    Dear friends here is my latest project.So far all the painting has been done in oil.The rest of the figure will be painted in acrilics. I would like your opinion on the leather trousers. Thank you Roberto
  10. pkw4

    Young apprentice

    Hi everybody I would like to introduce you my pride and joy Daniel.Born on 13/1/2008 seems very keen to get started .Hopefuly this will keep him away from those nasty women for few more years. Roberto
  11. pkw4

    Moroccan Spahi J.M.D.Miniatures

    Dear friends here is my latest W.I.P.a great piece of sculpting from J.M.D.. Roberto
  12. pkw4

    Commodo pegaso 75mm

    Hi everybody. this is on my workbench at the moment.Istill have a bit of work to do. Any criticism wellcome Roberto
  13. pkw4

    New web site

    Dear friends i would like to announce the opning of my web site. Abit of work still to do. i would like your let me know for good or for bad. Regards Roberto
  14. pkw4

    Spanish Conquistadores Bust

    Dear Friends here are the pics of my latest work. The bust is sculpted in milliput and painted in oil ,acrilics and printers ink. It will be commercially available after Euro. Let me know if you like it . Roberto
  15. pkw4

    Teutonic standardbearer

    Dear friends this is my latest minus the shield. Ihope you like it. Regards Roberto
  16. pkw4

    Imperium figures?

    Dear friends Does anyone know where to buy Imperium figures? thank you Roberto
  17. pkw4

    I.M.S.S. Dublin

    Dear friend The show in Dublin has been great.The standard was very high. It has been a real pleasure to be a part of it. Congratulations to Pietro Balloni for is B.O.S. See you all soon Roberto
  18. pkw4

    Romeo 90mm crusader

    Dear friends here is my latest just in time for the show in Dublin. Cheers Roberto
  19. pkw4

    Charles A. J. Flahaut

    Dear friends this is my latestfigures(my first napoleonic ever).The figure is painted in acrilics and took a lot of patient and time to finish. I hope youi like it cheers Roberto
  20. pkw4

    Giuseppe Garibaldi

    Hi everybody this is my last figure for 2007.It is from E.M.I.,and has been a joy to paint. As usual i have used acrilics. Happy new year to you all Roberto