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  1. periklis_sale

    Seleucid General

    This is my latest work...after very long time...... Hope you like it
  2. periklis_sale

    Roman Legioanry Bust 1/10

    Guys found a bit of time last week and finished the following bust which will be will be a feature article in the new Scale Military Modeller Magazine? Hope you like! And to all of you this was one of my future projects!!!
  3. periklis_sale

    Seleucid General

    After a long time of being away of figure painting i decided to come back and start with this beautiful Pegaso bust of a Seleucid General. As i usualy do i painted with oils over acrylics. Hope you like it so far!
  4. periklis_sale

    Greek and Romans

    I didn't know if i put them in the correct area, you can move them if you think so. These are a couple of drawings i did a few years ago, based on drawings from Greek magazines. I hope you like them!!!! If i rembere i will add the name of the artist.
  5. periklis_sale

    Roman Gladiator Secutor (finished)

    After a long time i found time to finish this figure... don't know why but i wasn't in the moud to finish it off.... Hope you like it although i think that the photos do not do it any justice!!!
  6. periklis_sale

    3160 visitors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I would like to thank all of you that visited my web site and now as it stands it has 3160 visitors!!!!!!!!!!! i haven't updated resently due to not musch time between moving houses but i will do soon. Thank you all again!!!!!!!!!
  7. periklis_sale

    Officer of the Equites 90% finished

    Found a bit of time during the weekend and i did a bit of painting. It is almost 90% complete!!!
  8. periklis_sale

    Officer of the Equites

    This is the start of the 75mm figure from Pegaso, Officer of the Equites. Almost finished the armour and next step the flesh parts.
  9. periklis_sale


    Does anybody know how to represent sweat on the gladiator figure? Can i use gloss varnish?
  10. periklis_sale

    [RESOLVED] Attachment Help

    gordy hi, I uploaded attachements in a previous topic of mine just for testing, but a thumbnail didn't appear on the left side of the post!!!! why?
  11. periklis_sale

    Roman Legatus 90mm

    My latest figure frim Pegaso the classic 90mm Legatus, hope you like it!!!! more..
  12. periklis_sale

    Roman Secutor Update

    Slowly slowly, what do you think so far?
  13. periklis_sale

    HELP Please COLOR BLIND!!!!!!!!

    As i have stated i am color blind :( :( so can anybody tell me what oil colors to mix to get the green color of WWII greman soldiers???? thank you for your help
  14. periklis_sale

    If I'll find TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That's what i am indending to paint if i only could find some more time:
  15. periklis_sale

    Thermopylae 480BC update 4

    Happy New Year to all of you. Another one update, i know its taking ages but i don't really have mush time (wish i had). Anyway one more figure done!!!!
  16. periklis_sale

    Old figures new photos

    These are some photos of a couple of old figures with an artisitc backround!!! Greek Hoplite (MIG 1/10) Roman Centurion (B. Young 1/10) Roman Legionary (Pegaso 75mm) Roman Signifer (SEIL 54mm)
  17. periklis_sale

    Thermopylae 480BC Update 3

    Hi guys long time to post something, but i was looking for work, and baby sitting!!!! Anyway, one figure is ready hope you like it:
  18. periklis_sale

    Thermopylae 480BC Update 2

    just finished painting all the shields that will be at the diorama. Comments and critic are wellcome. First photo are all the shields together and the rest of the photos show each one seperatly. Hope you like them!!!
  19. periklis_sale

    Thermpolylae 480BC Update Shields

    Its being a long time since i posted something on the forum. I am in the process of finding a new job as we were made redundand from our current job (Swan Hunter shipyards). Those leaving in the UK know. Anyway i said to share this topic with you. This is a small guide of how i paint shield, i...
  20. periklis_sale

    Thermopylae 480BC Diorama

    This is a new project started earlier this month. It consists of Andrea and Pegaso and spare box pieces as well as magic sculp. More photos to come!!!! Andrea body and resin head from spares. Need hair and i will put a patch over his eye!!! Pegaso body, repositioned legs and magic sculp...