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  1. Jeff

    New Form Kings Road Miniatures.

    We have two new figures that are now available. Roscoe Turner and his lion cub Gillroy and Harriet Quimby. Both are 54mm white metal Both retail for $28.00. Both figure were sculpted by Maxim Chertov Harriet Quimby was one of the early stars at the dawn of aviation. She was the first woman to...
  2. Jeff

    New From Kings Road Miniatures

    Kings Raod miniatues is proud to anounce a new release in our Silver Screen line Douglas Fairbanks as d'Artagnan 1928. figure is 1/32 scale white metal. It sells for $28.00 on the Kings Road Miniatures website.
  3. Jeff

    Cat and Mouse

    Yes I actually finsh figures once in a great while. This is a piece I did for a good friend. He has had to wait a long time for it but it is now more or less finished. This is an old Ral Partha Dragon perched on a modifyed aquarim rock. the Hobbit is an old Gulie Guthrie Hobbit form the...
  4. Jeff

    Need help finding photo etch for Napoleonic figures

    The title says it all I seem to remember sets like this, but can not seem to find any now. They had letters and numbers for things like epaulets and belt buckles to make specific units. I am doing a figure of my friend Tim and would like to have a small Z on his belt buckle surrounded by...
  5. Jeff

    So where do you get your figures grown?

    Hi All, So I have a small figure company and had been talking to some new sculptors, and they have pointed out that they can also sculpt digitally. I just wonder where I would get the figures grown, and who are the best growers? Any help would be most welcome.
  6. Jeff

    Sword and pistol question

    So if you have a figure wielding a sword and a pistol which hand holds which? I am thinking the arm that is skilled in the use of the sword holds that weapon. So most likely the right arm. I have seen figures and paintings of Captain Souter with it in either hand. Thoughts?
  7. Jeff

    WIP Captain Z Tribute to a fallen friend

    I am not sure how to start this post. My friend Timothy Finkas was an amazing creative man it was a pleasure to know him for as long as I did. Tim excelled and just about any sort of artistic endeavor. He was a graphic designer he was an amazing costumer. He did costumes for just about every...
  8. Jeff

    The Hero Roland

    New from Kings Road Miniatures. "Roland Chief Paladin of Emperor Charlemagne" circa 778 1/32 scale, White metal Sculpted by Ekapong Vanichpaisal Item # LF 002
  9. Jeff

    Which horn should we use on Kings Road Miniatures new figure?

    Hi All, We are about to box up our newest figure of the hero Roland. We like the horn sculpted by Ekapong, but both my partner Larry and I thought a horn meant to signal an army in waiting should be a bit larger, and louder. So I modified a casting. I have cast both, which do you prefer?
  10. Jeff

    Great voice mail message!

    This made me laugh so hare I was crying.
  11. Jeff


    So I got this kit this summer and was told it was great, but there were no closeup photos of the figures or the kit. I love Planet Of The Apes so thought I would give it a try it would be my mental health build for the summer. The kit fell way short of what I was expecting. So I decided to redo...
  12. Jeff

    Anyone having problems getting on the site this weekend besides me?

    Just like the title says, anyone having problems getting on the site this weekend besides me?
  13. Jeff

    Kings Road Miniatures New Wizard Nicolas Flamel

    Kings Road Miniatures newest figure is The Wizard Nicolas Flamel. Figure is 54 mm white metal.
  14. Jeff

    Kings Road Miniatures Painted Gallery Up On Our Face Book Page

    Hello All, I posted gallery of painted Kings Road figures on our Face Book page. I have Identified all the painters but one. If you have painted any of our figures please send me photos so I can put them in the Gallery...
  15. Jeff

    Article On Led Rot.

    This is an article form the curator of ship models at the Naval Sea Systems Command. It explains the problem of led rot that they have to deal with on older ship models. It is long but if you have figures of a smiler vintage then this could be a problem that you will have to deal with. It is...
  16. Jeff

    New Master For Medieval Half Timbered Building

    We were looking for things to grow our line, and we thought some medieval buildings would be a nice thing to do. Most of what is out there are castle parts. I did quite a few of these when I worked for 21st Century Toys, but they were all ruins. I have always thought that the medieval figure...
  17. Jeff

    Free Books On-line Form The New York Met.

    The New York Met has put many of its books on line fore free, it is an incredible number books. Download or just to read online. It is an amazing resource. This one is really great...
  18. Jeff

    Turning A 2-d Painting In To A 3-d Painting.

    I thought this was pretty cool, and I would share it here. I would love to see some of the figures printed out. Not sure why the D's are lower case? I was sure I typed it correctly. I need to proof read better before hitting submit.
  19. Jeff

    Some of my old film work "From The Earth To The Moon"

    Thought I would share some of my old film work . And some clips with the models in action.
  20. Jeff

    Photos from the Monsterpalooza show

    Was only there for a few hours but thought I would share photos I took at the show and the figure contest.