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  1. Braemp

    WIP Congo Crisis 1961. Swedish UN Soldier, 54 mm original

    Hi all I usualy do napoleonics and 1800-century figures but from time to time I do more modern ones. This is my latest WIP. The Swedish support to the UN intervention in Congo during the 60's always fascinated me and of course I have to do a trooper. The uniform worn by the Swedes was a mix...
  2. Braemp

    Completed Critique Savolax Ranger 1809, 54 mm original

    Continuing with more subjects from the Swedish Russian war 1808-1809, and another from the epic poems "The Tales Of Ensign Stål" by the Finland-Swedish author Johan Ludvig Runeberg, the national poet of Finland. This time I want to depict Lieutenant-Colonel J Z Duncker during the Battle Of...
  3. Braemp

    Wanting to Buy Hornet desert rat 1:35

    Hi fellow planeteers. I'm looking for Roger Saunders beautiful figure "desert rat wwII" from the now oop 1:35 range. If anyone know a shop that still holds it or if you have one that your're willing to sell, please contact me. Best regards Lars Brändström
  4. Braemp

    Completed Critique Bjorneborgs regiment, battle at Lappo 1808. 54 mm original

    Hello all. Here is another figure that was recently completed. This time it is a soldier of the Björneborgs regiment from the battle of Lappo 1808. The figure was sculpted out of Magic Sculpt, the head is from Hornet and the musket a slightly...
  5. Braemp

    Completed Critique Konglige Wermlands Jäger, Original 54 mm

    Hi all This is my latest sculpt. This project started with a picture of that weird hat, and when I dug deeper into info about it I discovered some really interesting facts and stories. Wermlands konglige fältjägare ( royal wermlands light infantry) was used as s sort of Task Force by Sweden...
  6. Braemp

    Swedish grenadier 1715, 54 mm original.

    Hello to all. I have Just finished this figure. It's one of my first sculpts but for some reason it has been left unpainted on the shelf for some time. When I picked it up again I realise it has some proportion issues, but I didn't bother myself to redo the sculpt. I just needed to finish it and...
  7. Braemp

    looking for a crossbow

    Hi I need a crossbow in 54 mm. I´ve searched and the only I found is from EGM, it states 55 mm and it seems to big Is there others out there? regards lars
  8. Braemp

    Swedish Hautboist 1718, 54 mm original.

    Hello Finished this a while ago. Yet another Swedish Carolean from The Great Nordic War. This time a Houtboist from Dalregementet at the time of the disastrous Norwegian Campaign 1718. It all started with an Oboe from Historex range and a head from Mussini :) I use Magic sculp and green...
  9. Braemp

    Sculpting braiding on a Hussar jacket.

    I need some help from you more experience planeteers. I'm about to convert some historex parts into a Morner's Hussar from Sweden 1812. Historex parts are a little soft in some details and I'm redoing the braidings. I'm using greenstuff for this and I suspect there is nothing more than hard...
  10. Braemp

    Von Döbeln, Battle at Jutas 1808. 54 mm

    Hello Gentlemen. This is my latest. A conversion from a Pegaso figure. It depicts Georg Carl Von Döbeln, a famous Swedish Colonel at the battle of Jutas during the Swedish-Russian War 1808-1809. Painted in acrylics. Regards Lars
  11. Braemp

    Completed Swedish infantry 1706. original 54 mm.

    Hello and happy holidays. finished this piece a couple of weeks ago. It's an original sculpt with a hornet head,for details please see previous thread. It depicts a Swedish musketeer from...
  12. Braemp

    WIP Critique Original 54mm. Swedish infantry, Fraustadt 1706

    Finished sculpting this figure recently. Continuing with objects from The Great Nordic War this one depicts a Swede dressed in an early style uniform. It is done mostly using magic sculp and my own mannequin parts. It will be painted in the colours of the Västerbotten regiment, blue coat and...
  13. Braemp

    WIP Critique 54 mm, Swedish infantry, Fraustadt 1706.

    Hello all. Another Swede . This one will depict a musketeer from Västerbotten regemente at the battle of Fraustadt. It is vaguely based on a scetch by Marc Grieves. The head is a Hornet and had a very vivid look. I really look forward to paint it. At the moment I'm struggling with the coat and...
  14. Braemp

    Completed Critique Swedish musketeer Narva 1700, original 54 mm.

    Finished painting this piece. A musketeer, Närke Wärmlands regemente at Narva 1700. ( The base is not entirely finished, it needs more snow, but I ran out of micro baloons so I leave it for now. Best regards / Lars Sent by tapatac
  15. Braemp


    Is there a trick to speed up the drying time of milliput? Can I put it in low temp in the owen like I usually do with Magic sculp? Regards Lars Sent by tapatac
  16. Braemp

    WIP Critique Swedish Cavalry 1708

    This is my first mounted figure. Head from hornet the rest is Magic sculpt and plastic card. The horse itself is from Historex, I must say these plastic horses are really great and very nice to work with, considering how cheap they are. (Gotta love the soft, smooth plastic in them) Painting is...
  17. Braemp

    Completed Birger Jarl, 1250. 54mm

    Hi there. This is a minor conversion of Master class 54 mm Albericus Principe. I merely added a new helmet crest. It is an attemt to portrait Birger Magnusson Jarl, swedish Earl or Kings Hand in Sweden 1248-1266. It's all a very nice figure with lot of character and it was a nice change from my...
  18. Braemp

    Carolus Rex, scratchbuilt 54 mm.Finished

    I finally got time at my work bench and managed to finish this guy. It was quite fun to try to portrait a real historic person. I'm rather satisfied with the result and I will definately do other Old Swedish kings in due time. It's painted in vallejo acrylics except the metalics which is...
  19. Braemp

    Looking for a vignette/diorama

    I was scanning the internet last night looking for a two part diorama with, what I think was a french curassier pulling out an arrow from the back of his horse, and the other part with two cossacks grinning at him. I'm pretty sure I've seen a picture of it somewhere it might have been a magazine...
  20. Braemp

    Mussini Headsets.

    Hello I'm trying to buy some of mussinis Headsets but I can't get in touch with them. Is mussini still in business? I've tried to order via their HomePage but no result. Does any one know something about this? Best Regards Lars Sent from my iPhone using...