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  1. L

    How to blend acrylics?

    Apologies for the question. I'm sure it has been covered. I did search the site over and never really got the answer I was lookign for. Can someone give me the basics of blending acrylics, esp. in faces? I have used oils up till now, but want to give the acrylics a try. Got the Andrea face...
  2. L

    MMI 120mm Lt. Dixon finished (CSS Hunley)

    I finished up my scratch built hull section and also the 1/2 figure of Lt. Dixon. I am still developing my oil painting skills, so I keep experimenting each time. I'm satisfied with it. Sorry a few pics are a bit blurred, my camera is not the best. Tuck
  3. L

    CSS Hunley 120mm scratch built hull and Lt. Dixon vingette..(pics)

    This is my in-progress scratch build of a Hunley hull section. Base kit is the Military Miniatures Warehouse Lt. Dixon w/ partial hull. The base kit hull is just not well formed, so I set about making one. It is a balsa core with sheet styrene glued over it. I have added about 400 grant line...
  4. L

    General questions on Greek Hoplites.....

    Having developed an interest in Greek Hoplites after seeing "300" and after purchasing 3 Mini-Art kits of 1/16 Hoplites (Spartan, Athenian, Greek) plus 4 Osprey books on the subject, I now have a few questions and requests for info: 1. Almost all the books, references seem to agree that...
  5. L

    1/9 Scale Roman Calvary Officer (Gladiator) FINISHED!

    It took a long time, but this guy is finished. There are flaws, but I'm, happy with it and I learned alot! The shinyness is due to a lack of a dullcoat, as my spray booth and airbrush are still packed from a move. Bryan Tucker
  6. L

    Abenaki and Rogers Ranger

    Hi all, I can't remember if I have posted this here before, so my apologies if I have. It's a 120mm vignette of Nemrod's Rogers Ranger and MMW's Joseph Brant (Thayandanega) coverted to an Abenaki. Base is Basswood with celluclay, a piece of granite, static grass, etc. Acryllic base...
  7. L

    Various Figures....

    Hi all, I'm new to the Planet. Al LaFleche pointed me in this direction. I have done about a dozen figures now, so I consider myself as Dark Side in Training....:-) Comments welcome. Verlinden 120mm Nemrod Ranger and MMI Joseph Brant (as an Abenaki here) 120mm Mirage 1/9 Fallschrimjager...