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  1. ubbi

    Completed Critique King Raedwald

    Hello folks, This is my first figure of the new year, hope not the last...I'm fond of the early medieval period and the early anglo-saxon period is for sure one of my favorite. This is a old figure from Mil-Art and no more available , when i found it i was glad because i think it is the only...
  2. ubbi

    Completed Critique The Norse Pagan

    Hi guys, it is a very long while from my last work here it's time now to post something, I started this figure more less 3 years ago. After having seen the painting of the same figure by Guy , ( in a very beautiful manner i have to say ) , i liked so much this 90mm from Miniature...
  3. ubbi

    Completed Critique Gothic warrior

    Ciao, this is my last figure painted, i have to add the last touches and it will be ok : it is a little gem in 54mm from Pegaso , a gothic warrior about the middle of the VI sec. A.D. painted as usual in oils . Thank you for looking and any comments are welcome cheers stefano [/IMG]...
  4. ubbi

    Completed Critique Anglosaxon

    Ciao This little gem from Romeo was a figure i have started last year and i gave up till last week when i decided to finish : 54mm painted in oils sorry again for the terrible pics :o Any comments welcome as usual and thenk you for looking cheers stefano
  5. ubbi

    Completed Critique Cimbrian chief ( celt cavalryman )

    Ciao, It is slowly coming to the end , just the last touches and for my taste it will be ok. painted with oils . 90 mm . little historical introduction : the Cimbri were with the Teutones a mix of german and celtic people from northern Europe who suddenly in the 112 B.C. migrated trough the...
  6. ubbi

    WIP celt cavarlyman

    Ciao, This is my new project : A celt cavalryman in 90mm, it is a old kit from Decima that i was able to find in a store, i think is the only kit of a celt with horse in this scale . I have half done the head with the helmet and the mail, the other parts are only with the base coat , i have to...
  7. ubbi

    Happy new year

    happy new year !! I want to wish to all you dear planeteers a very happy new year plenty of satisfactions and great expectations and why not ... great painting and sculpting figures :cool: best regards to all stefano
  8. ubbi

    WIP Critique Ulfhednar final steps

    Hi all, Now i have finally almost finished this figure only few touches and weathering and i think it would be ok. It is a 90 mm but smaller than the usual 90 mm figures that because it is a really 90mm . The figure sculpted by Joachim Lindman for Pagan Art rapresents a viking berserker...
  9. ubbi


    Hi guys, This is what i'm doing in my workbench in this moment, it is a 90mm figure in white metal from Pagan art, a berserker or as i prefer a ulfhednar ( dressed with a wolf fur ) viking. I've just started with the oils after a basecoat with acrilics..still a lot work to do ..but any comment...
  10. ubbi

    Imperium figures

    Does anybody know where i can get the Imperium resin figures in Europe ? cheers stefano
  11. ubbi

    Rest models news

    New figures from this Ukraine firm Hussar 120mm resin germans 54mm resin stefano
  12. ubbi


    These are some new figures from Martin-hille, 75mm resin german èlite soldier Charkow 1943 Wilgrim Hammerdance sleeping dwarf hero Ingvar Egilsson viking at a rune stone german mountain ranger 1942
  13. ubbi

    Les etains du Graal viking drakkar

    I was looking about news of this figure and today i've found the advertising in a Magazine. I don't know the reason why there is not in the ufficial site of the firm.. Sorry but I've only this image . stefano
  14. ubbi

    drakkar prow by Les Etains du Graal

    I've read on the magazine Figurines in February this new of the Les Etains Du Graal : a drakkar prow with two vikings figures in 100mm, sculpted by Gilles Oderigo. I'm looking for this item but I don't know if is available. If someone have some news about it... Thank you Stefano
  15. ubbi

    last figures from Masterclass

    These are the last from Masterclass : Mamluk egyptian 1785 Mamluk Imperial guard winter 1812 The crusader S.Acre 1191 German warrior Stefano
  16. ubbi

    La Fortezza new release

    THis is a new from La Fortezza , a sicily-norman sculpted by Adriano Laruccia Stefano
  17. ubbi

    news from El Viejo Dragon

    El viejo Dragon new : serie V43 scale 1:43 . cod.V43.12 Roman soirèe
  18. ubbi

    New from s.g.f.

    This is the new from S.G.F. available on March.. Cheers Stefano
  19. ubbi

    the Anglo in progress

    Hello boys and girls.. This is another fellow I have on the bench in this moment . The figure from Romeo is a 54 mm. metal, he is an Anglo-saxon chief, with the famous mask-helmet from Sutton Hoo everybody know... ( I hope ) . The work in this moment is half done , the undercoat is acrylic on...
  20. ubbi

    Viking 90 mm in progress

    Hello everybody, this is another work in progress , a viking from Miniature Alliance in 90 mm. After the primer with Tamiya surface primer , I undercoated with acrilics , the basecoat is with oils, the face and the helmet are half done as are the pants, the other parts are at the beginning with...