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  1. ookami

    WIP Gladiator Minotaur

    Hi To all, a miniature I am doing on 54 mm Scale, is on process, any critique or comment is higgly apreciated, also you can follow up on my face book page
  2. ookami

    WIP Critique Giant Wolf Runing

    Hi sirs i am working on this mianiture is scale 1/32, it is intended as a fantasy mount but can be displayed by itself or with a rider. Hope to read your comments and critics:) .
  3. ookami

    WIP Hunting scene scale 1/32

    Hi All, I am attaching a mini on the one I had been working for some time now, It is a conversion of and old mini of mine that i did not like the end result, it is still on progress but I almost finish it, hope to hear you opinions and critics about it.
  4. ookami

    WIP dwarven king scale 1/32

    Hi All, I am attaching some pictures of this work on progress, It is almost finished I just need to polish some details on the boots and the helmet, hope you like it :).
  5. ookami

    anatomical study of the female

    Hi all I am working on an anatomical estudy on the female subjet, below are the almost finished sculpture of this, is done on scale 1/12 ( 150 mm more o less), hope to ear your coments and critics about it.
  6. ookami

    dwarven warrior scale 1/32 updated pictures below

    Hi all, I am working on the below project is a dwarven warrior, it is still on process but i wnated to share, I really apreciate your comments and critics about it.
  7. ookami

    Huntress scale 1/32

    Hi Sirs, i wanned to share some pictures of a project on process that i been doing latelly, i still need to polishs some details so some critics and commets are well reciebed :thumb:, hope yopu like it.
  8. ookami

    fantasy teme ranger on 1/32 scale

    Hi Sirs, I present to you some pictures of a sculpt on process from my part, any coment and critic is very apreciated.
  9. ookami

    Terror bird

    Hi All, This is the first time that I post on this forum so I present my self, My name is Juan Jose and I am from Mexico, nice to meet you all. I am attaching some pictures of a terror bird I made on scale 1/32, the first one is the art on the one I lossely base the reconstruction of the...