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  1. artur_koszewski

    Wanting to Buy Figure I am looking for - MAGDA SCHILLER, THE DARK NURSE

    Hi figure modeller fellowes, I am looking for this figure - MAGDA SCHILLER, THE DARK NURSE in 1/12 or 150mm scale. It was produced by Mauser Earth for sure and maybe by DES Kit too. If anyone has it in his grey army and wish to part with it please drop me a line. Shipping can be to Poland...
  2. artur_koszewski

    Open Book 'Holding the line' Kharkov 1943 - Jeffshiu's Miniatures

    Hello dear Planeters, I suppose that many of you know the famous figure of German MG42 gunner Totenkopf, Kharkov 1943 which was sculpted in the 90s by John Rosengrant for KIRIN. That figure was released in 1/9 (200mm) scale and now for those who prefer more compact scale, Jeff Shiu released...
  3. artur_koszewski

    Starki Miniatures “Do not lose your head” – Black Friday special offer

    Hello dear Planeters, Recently I talked to Paweł Sterczewski the owner of Starki Miniatures company and he asked me to pass to you some info from him. First of all, Pawel wants to thank all of you for your kind words concerning his latest figure "Do not lose your head". He is very grateful...
  4. artur_koszewski

    Open Book "Do not lose your head" - Starki Miniatures

    Hello dear Planeters, At the last weekend of October, during the Hussar miniature painting contest, Paweł Sterczewski from Starki Miniatures, presented his latest figure titled “Do not lose your head”. The info about release of this figure was posted previously here on PlanetFigure – link...
  5. artur_koszewski

    "Do not lose your head" - Starki Miniatures

    Two weeks ago we had here in Warsaw (Poland) a miniature painting contest called Hussar. At the show Paweł Sterczewski owner of Starki Miniatures company presented his new figure titled "Do not lose your head". For some of you this phrase may sound familiar ;) Yes, you are right - it was an...
  6. artur_koszewski

    Wanting to Buy Two medieval figures from Soldiers 90mm range

    Dear Planetfigure colleagues, I am looking for these two kits from Soldiers 90mm range: - SCOTTISH KNIGHT ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS, HALIDON HILL 1333 AD (ref: SD9003) - ENGLISH KNIGHT, BATTLE OF HALIDON HILL 1333 AD (ref: SD9004) If anyone has them for sale, please let me know. Shipping can...
  7. artur_koszewski

    Great service I received from Darkstar Miniatures

    Dear Planetters, I wish to tell you about a great customer service I received from Darkstar Miniatures. In June 2014 I bought from this company their “Mounted Templar Knight” figure. When it arrived on me, I gave the kit parts a quick look and then put the kit into the stash. In December 2014...
  8. artur_koszewski

    Awesome bust - looking for more info about it

    Found this one in Monte Savino show report. Does anyone know anything more about this bust - sculptor, painter, commercial availability?
  9. artur_koszewski

    Figure identifying help needed

    Hi Planetters, I found this figure on eBay, but I'm sure it's a recast copy - it has no box plus the seller offers other figures copied from Young Miniatures, Pegaso, etc... I like this German Pioneer a lot and because of that I wish to ask for your help with identifying the original...
  10. artur_koszewski

    Two gorgeous figures

    Hello Planeters! I spotted photos of these two gorgeous figures yesterday at Facebook page of Star Club Athens. Does anyone know if they are / were commercially available. Cheers, Artur
  11. artur_koszewski

    Purchasing from

    Hi guys, Does anyone have any recent experience concerning purchasing from ? I look forward to your feedback. Cheers, Artur
  12. artur_koszewski

    Wanting to Buy Authorsculpt figures

    Dear fellow Planetters, I'm looking for 2 Authorsculpt figures: Old Russian Warrior, 14th Century Scale: 54mm Item number: AS001-54Z Mounted Trapper Scale: 75mm Item number: AS008-75Z Anyone who knows where/from who I can obtain these figures or have them in his/her gray army...
  13. artur_koszewski

    Wanting to Buy AuthorSculpt - Old Russian Warrior

    Hi all figure enthusiasts, I’m continuing my search for some of the kits I have missed when they were widely available. The one I’m looking for this time is: Old Russian Warrior, 14th Century Manufacturer: AuthorSculpt Scale: 54mm Item number: AS001-54Z If anyone of you have this...
  14. artur_koszewski

    Wanting to Buy Genaral Thade bust

    Dear Planetters, I wish to buy the “General Thade” bust from Planet of the Apes which has been sculpted by our PF member “offo” - If anyone have this bust and is ready to part with it please let me know through PF private...
  15. artur_koszewski

    Wanting to Buy Raining Frogs Garage - The Barbarian Dude

    Just wanted to place my order for this mini and found out that it’s been already sold out :mad: (go to hell with limited runs) If anyone managed to order some extra piece of this figure and is willing to part with one please let me know with forum’s private message or directly to my e-mail...
  16. artur_koszewski

    Wanting to Buy Some of the 1/9 scale figures

    Dear Planet Fellows, Below I listed some of the figures I’m looking for. If you have any of it and you are ready to part with it, please let me know with private message or directly to my e-mail address: [email protected] Cheers, Artur - Warriors 1/9 - SS Schutze Dirlwanger Division...
  17. artur_koszewski

    Happy Birthday „Panzer”

    I've found out that Chris “Panzer” Mrosko has the 50th Birthday today. Happy Birthday Chris and congratulations on this round anniversary!!! I wish you all the bests for then next 50 years – many successes in the field of modeling and prosperity for NWM. Cheers, Artur PS. I almost...
  18. artur_koszewski

    Trying to contact with Michigan Toy Soldier

    Hello all, Did anyone manage to contact with Michigan Toy Soldier ( recently? During the recent weeks I sent them a couple of messages using contact forms available on their website, but didn’t get any answer – I’m not even sure if the messages reached them. Cheers, Artur
  19. artur_koszewski

    Looking for the Iron Man

    Hello fellow modelers I want to buy the Iron Man mark 3 figure by Knight Models (catalog no KMV002). Unfortunately I overlooked when it was commonly available and now can’t find it anywhere :( If anyone knows a shop which has the figure in stock or own the one that would like to part with...
  20. artur_koszewski

    Looking for Fallschirmjager

    Hi Planeters, In some PF threads the figure of German Fallschirmjager in 1/9 scale appears – it is commonly called “John Rosengrant’s Fallschirmjager figure that has been never released”. Here is one of the threads showing this figure [LINK] – I mean the one in the foreground, handling FG42...