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  1. combatartist

    Need a 54mm Prussian needle gun, or 2

    I’m currently finishing up on the Andrea 54mm 1871 Prussian soldier (SG-F147) and need one or two Dreyse “needle rifle” in 54mm. Does anyone know where I can get a few to buy? thanks
  2. combatartist

    54mm skeleton?

    Anybody know if there is a reasonably accurate human skeleton in 54mm? I did the Google search, etc. I've seen them in the fantasy world, but they seem to be pretty clunky.
  3. combatartist

    Russian painter website

    I was poking around the old www and found this guy. (Gulp) maybe he's known, I have no idea but my God, look at his WIP's. He was with Russian Vityaz. Regards; Tony S
  4. combatartist

    Good Kansas City hobby shop?

    Can anyone recommend a good hobby shop in the KC area? Not a Hobby Lobby type, but one that sells military miniatures. I'm here for a week with the family and Dad will need a diversion! Email me directly: [email protected] Tony S
  5. combatartist

    Acrylics Prince August Or Model Color?

    Every so often I see an article that mentions Prince August acrylics. I went to their website and it appears that the paints are from Vallejo/model color. QUESTIONS: Is this correct? Anyone use PA? Quality? US distribution? Thanks in advance; Tony S
  6. combatartist

    Need Advise - Glue Or Rod?

    I have this 54mm drummer boy, and I don't know how to attach the arm/drum and the hand/sticks. The arm and drum is heavy, the hand with sticks is fragile. 1) How should I attach them? Gorilla Super Glue or epoxy? 2) Not much area to drill into at 54mm - advise? 3) Should I attach parts then...
  7. combatartist

    Entry Category Help

    I would like some help please. I will be entering a 54mm figure of a Prussian Officer 1914 in the Chicago show this weekend and don't know which category to enter it. Stock figure on a "vignette" base - small, 2" x 2". Open system - new to this. Tony S
  8. combatartist

    Model 1889 Prussian Sword

    Finishing up the project, and I need to know if the scabbard was painted black or left natural steel? I see both examples. I'm modeling 1914, so I don't know if the black scabbard is a later version. Lastly, what color "knot" would be on the Prussian Infantry Officer's sword? Thank you very...
  9. combatartist

    Any Us Painting Clinics?

    Are there any US based painting clinics planned? I'm in the scheduling stage, and have to plan ahead. Thanks; Tony S
  10. combatartist

    Wanted : Wood Bases - Usa

    Morning/Evening; I need 3 wood bases. 2" sq. x 2.5" H , dark stain, doesn't matter. Naturally it's a RUSH ORDER! Needed them yesterday. USA S&H I guess-priority. Thanks for any help Tony (Brian, thanks for selling the book)
  11. combatartist

    Wanted! F.a.q.: Figure Painting:andrea

    Im looking for a copy of FAQ. Figure Painting or Overhead lighting 1 (?). I have looked on Amazon, and it was a NO GO. So, if any of you chaps have a copy to sell, let me know. If they are dog-eared, no problem - willing to pay $50 US each, but no more...maybe a pipe dream, or if you know of a...
  12. combatartist

    World War 1 / Great War Reference - Websites

    Doing research on my latest project, I came across these sites that I felt were pretty good. I'm not an expert, not a collector, nor a scholar - so if these websites are garbage, don't pay attention to them. I hope they will have some merit for you in PFworld. Tony S...
  13. combatartist

    Need Help - Prussian 1914 Uniform - Metal Modeles 54mm

    REFERENCE QUESTION: Is there a separate topic area for reference questions? If not, I would be happy to start one up. I bought this Metal Modeles 54mm German Officer 1914 ( and would like to have him in the Prussian uniform of 1914. I "think" he is wearing the...
  14. combatartist

    Primer For Acrylics?

    Need some ideas on what primer is best for metal & resin figs. I've used Tamyia, but it seems the acrylic paint "beads up". To honor those that serve through art.
  15. combatartist

    Ww1 Trench Base In 54mm?

    Hey guys; I'm looking for a WW1 trench diorama base in 54mm. I have the Verlinden models, but would like something a bit larger. If I had the time to create one I would, but I'll be happy if I finish the figures...
  16. combatartist

    Acrylics General Theory Question

    Well guys, fall is on my mind, as is the MMSCI show. With this said, I have an acrylic painting question: Q: What is the most common method to paint in acrylics (faces), midtone - highlights, then darks or midtones, dark, then highlights.? I ask this because I've seen some of the military mentor...
  17. combatartist

    Review Miniature Mentor's new mini-photography video

    Hi to all: As a subscriber to MM's web program, I wanted to share "my" review of the new Miniature Mentor video "The complete guide to photographing miniatures". I have downloaded many of their videos, some good, some not as good...this one falls somewhere in between. Be prepared! This is a...
  18. combatartist

    Maquette Sculpting and Painting new video

    I haven't been here in a while (figure "stuff") is retired for the summer months, but this is something I thought I'd share. This is from The Gnomon Workshop, a high-end, professional artist/designer firm that specializes in teaching 3D, modeling and game development. This video features, and...
  19. combatartist

    Review Miniature Mentor Video tutorials

    I want to give a review of Miniature Mentor figure tutorials. Though they have concentrated on the "fantasy" genre, the techniques employed in their thorough, detailed and well edited SBS videos, will directly apply to historical figure painting. I am very impressed with the quality and...
  20. combatartist

    WIP 120mm Verlinden AAF Pilot vignette in PhotoShop

    OK, I'm a bit anal when it comes to research and planning. But here is the process I go through visa vie the computer and PhotoShop. I am able to "visualize" the scene before I commit to the final, and have found the computer/software to be a big plus. I have even used Google SketchUp to plan...