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  1. Bailey

    Medieval Warrior Bust

    I painted this bust during a recent workshop with Ivan Hortal. The majority of the figure was painted over two days and I finished the rest (hair, leather, and touch ups) the week after. It was a really good class and I got a lot of great info on working with textures on cloth, fur, and metal...
  2. Bailey

    WIP Gurkhan - Workshop Figure

    I've got some workshops planned at a couple conventions this year. One of the classes will be on painting 75mm display figures and will include Gurkhan, a kit from Big Child Creatives. I wanted to paint a version before the class, where I wasn't rushed and could have a chance to explore the...
  3. Bailey

    WIP Critique Zoraida - Ares Mythologic

    I took a break from my Neko Galaxy project to dust off this somewhat older kit from Ares Mythologic. It's another 75mm female figure, though fantasy rather than my other sci-fi project. Still, I'm exploring a lot of the same techniques like working with color in the light (both ambient and...
  4. Bailey

    WIP Critique Nancy, 75mm Neko Galaxy

    I normally tend towards fantasy and historical subjects, but every so often I like to shake things up. I recently got this Neko Galaxy kit from a friend and it felt like the right time to start painting her. I'm been focusing on improving my use of light (ambient light color, primary light...
  5. Bailey

    Prosper, Avalonian Bust

    I was looking for a relatively quick project and remembered I've had this classic mini bust sitting in my closet for ages. He might not be that pretty, but the sculpt has a ton of character which made it a lot of fun to paint. Lately I've been focusing on improving my use of light and light...
  6. Bailey

    Elmer Ellsworth (ACW)

    I'm just about finished with this 75mm ACW figure of Elmer Ellsworth from FER Miniatures. I painted this as a gift for me dad who is a Civil War history buff and the one who originally got me into miniature painting. ACW Zouaves were one of things he used to love to paint, so Ellsworth seemed...
  7. Bailey

    Completed Frank Von Stein

    I haven't shared any projects here in a while, though that's partially because I haven't had as much time to paint lately. But I did manage to finish off this piece the other day. The figure is Frank Von Stein, 75mm, from Terrible Kids Stuff. It's a little different from my typical subject...
  8. Bailey

    WIP Critique Trumpeteer Major 2nd Lancers

    I haven't made a lot of progress on my other projects recently. Either hit roadblocks on them or just lacking the inspiration to paint. So I decided the best option was to start something new and recharge my painting mojo as it were. I opted for this lovely figure from Pegaso, the 75mm scale...
  9. Bailey

    Anyone Know What's Up With Red Lancers?

    I've been trying to get in touch with Red Lancers about an order for several weeks now, but haven't gotten a response. I've sent a number of emails to the email listed on the 'Contact Us' page from their website and tried calling the number listed their too, but haven't been able to get a hold...
  10. Bailey

    WIP Critique 54mm Scissor Gladiator

    It's been a while since I've posted, but I have not had nearly as much time for painting as I'd like. Thankfully I've been able to find some hobby time over the past few weeks and decided to start on a new project, this great 54mm gladiator from Pegaso. I've liked this kit/sculpt for quite a...
  11. Bailey

    Issue 6 of The Illustrated Historical Artist is now available!

    Hello all, Issue 6 of the Illustrated Historical Artist is ready to go. It's 120+ pages of wonderfully presented articles by Eduardo Fernandez, Calvin Tan, Fabio Fiorenza, Helen Bourch and Phillippe Giorda. We interview the legendary Bill Horan and present history through miniature in two...
  12. Bailey

    WIP Critique Brom Hard Bark

    After working on several historical figures recently, I felt the need to do another fantasy subject. I was looking around at 1/35 scale kits and settled on Brom Hard Bark from Enigma Miniatures. The figure is a dwarf, so though he's 1/35, the figure is only 40mm from the ground to the top of...
  13. Bailey

    WIP Critique (Fantasy) Pirate Scene

    I've been working on a couple figures for a while now that I intend on combining together into a single scene. I had vBench posts on two of the individual pieces which you can find here and here, but now I'll be sharing updates here as I work to finish off the scene. I knew I wanted to use...
  14. Bailey

    World Expo Chicago 2017 Special from The Illustrated Historical Artist

    The Illustrated Historical Artist has just come out with a special issue on the World Expo Chicago. It includes 64 pages of images from the show, insight on the event provided by Jason Fontella, and a tribute to Shep Paine, showcasing some of his works which were on display at the event. You...
  15. Bailey

    Need help with Napoleonic Trumpeter

    I could use a bit of help from the Napoleonic experts out there. I recently picked up this 75mm kit from Pegaso, the Trumpeteer Major of 2nd Lanciers Guard (pictured below). I was wondering if the same figure could be painted in other color schemes? I've done some online searching to see how...
  16. Bailey

    Creating the look of worn leather

    My most recent tutorial is up on FigureMentors. In it I describe how I create the effect of a worn leather texture on my figures. Below are a couple examples and you can find the full article here:
  17. Bailey

    Tutorial - Enhancing your metallics with graphite

    We've got a really interesting take on improving your metallics written by Lucas K Stine. He discusses his use of graphite along with traditional metallics paints to produce a stunning end result. You can find the full tutorial over on figure mentors...
  18. Bailey

    New Painting Competition from FigureMentors

    FigureMentors has put together its first painting competition. This is open to everyone who is a follower of either the site or their facebook page. If you're not already a follower, you have until the end of the competition (November 1st, 2017). All skill levels are encouraged to participate...
  19. Bailey

    New Historical Figure Magazine from FigureMentors

    The team behind FigureMentors, along with a bunch of talented artists, have been hard at work putting together a new figure magazine focused on historical subjects: The Illustrated Historical Artists. The good news is the first issue is finally ready and the better news is you can get is...
  20. Bailey

    Non-Metallic Metal Guide by Paolo di Poce

    Here is a nice article on non-metallic metal (NMM) by Paolo di Poce. This is a technique that many of us struggle with, myself included. So it's always nice to have another guide to help shed some light on NMM. You can find the whole article here...