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  1. SRP


    Hi guys...........been a while..!! Been busy working on a few commissions and thought I would post my latest sculpture....taking a rest from painting. This is a bust of Marcus, one of the vampires from underworld. Sculpted in Super Sculpey and soon to be painted. Will post when finally...
  2. SRP

    Merry christmas

    I would just like to wish all members of Planet a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year...!!! SRP
  3. SRP

    'Food for the horse mister' backdrop

    Managed to find a suitable back ground for this one...just a bit of fun.!! Steve
  4. SRP

    The Entrepreneur

    Hi chaps...this is a little scene using the excellent mounted cavalry soldier by Romeo Models. The little guy is from Andrea....and I found the cart in a spares box. The hay in the cart is string cut to length and soaked in tea for around 10 mins to remove the 'whiteness'. The horse is painted...
  5. SRP

    It's pay day...!!

    This is a pretty old figure from Andrea I have had for a while..wondering what to do with I purchased their nice little kit of a bank safe and came up with this idea. I bent the door a little and scattered a few dollars around. He and his con padres have robbed a train...dragged the...
  6. SRP

    Native Indian Flesh SBS

    My only reservations in providing an SBS on any of my work are 1...becoming boring..2...teaching Grandma to suck eggs. There are far better painters than me out there, so this is just a quick rundown on how I achieve a passable flesh finish. fig 1 1 I start with undercoating the figure with...
  7. SRP

    Native Indian Flesh SBS

    After my last few posts of native Indian figures, I had a few requests to provide a Step by Step on how I personally painted the flesh. These are a few pics of an Andrea 54mm figure on which I chose to show a few simple steps on how I achieve this. Many painters have their own methods, but this...
  8. SRP

    Mounted Native

    Staying with the Native Indian theme....I seem to get stuck on one theme for a while these days....another nice piece from Andrea. There's a lot to paint on this piece..depending on how far you want to take it..and there are quite a lot of different colours to chose from...especially for the...
  9. SRP

    'OLD TIMER' backdrop

    As some of you probably know by now...I can never resist sticking a bit of a backdrop behind a photo..just gives a different perspective of the piece... hope you like it Steve Added another pic without tree.
  10. SRP


    This is a scene I have had in mind for a old junk clock tossed from a's last few chimes attracting the attention of a couple of confused onlookers....... All are individual pieces from Andrea Miniatures...with a little conversion here and there. Painted in acrylics except...
  11. SRP

    Pawnee Warrior

    Finished piece ...couldn't resist a backdrop on one of the pics...... Steve.
  12. SRP

    WIP Critique Pawnee Warrior

    I have had this figure undercoated and collecting dust for a long time...and have finally got round to starting it. Beautiful piece from Pegaso and very enjoyable to paint. The flesh is in oils and the rest in acrylics. Just a few more finishing touches...then he'll be ready for a
  13. SRP

    Us para bust

    Hi chaps......nice to be back. Had a bit on of late but managed to finish this piece. Strictly speaking it's not sold as a's one of Maurice Corry's brilliant 200mm figs I have cut save room and to add to a growing collection of busts...hope you like. 200mm.acrylic and oils...
  14. SRP

    Normandy coast.D-Day 6th June 1944

    I've posted this on V/Bench as it is not exactly a SBS...just a few photo's I took along the way. For this idea I just wanted a little of the bunker it was made up from a few lumps of styrene I cut from some packaging. After gluing it to the base..I marked out the stonework which was...
  15. SRP

    Series 7..Carls fig on backdrops

    This beautiful figure is by Series 7..Carl Startin...who asked if I could pop a background on it...hope it's ok Carl. Steve.
  16. SRP

    Captain Miller background

    Put a quick back drop in...just to see the piece a different way...couldn't resist..... Steve
  17. SRP

    Captain Millers Last Stand....Private Ryan.

    Latest little scene...54mm Acrylics. Have put together a little SBS of this piece on VBench. Steve.
  18. SRP

    Captain Millers last stand...Private Ryan Scene

    The reasons for me having a go at this scene are ...I love the movie..and I had a motorbike/sidecar hanging around and no idea what to do with it. I had taken a few pics along the I thought I would share them. I roughed up a base I found and rolled modeling clay onto it..cutting around...
  19. SRP

    Indan bust

    This one has been done for a while now...but it's such a wonderful bust to paint I thought I'd share a few I am still experimenting with backgrounds....gray seems to suit this piece... I think it's a Youngs bust..if I remember correctly...!! Steve.
  20. SRP

    Old figures

    These are a couple of figures I painted a few years back..the Gladiator has featured before...but I'm trying to take pics with a colored b/ground instead of using the dark cabinet in my room..I'm not sure which is better...dark or lighter b/grounds..? 54mm....gladiator..75mm (I think).. Steve.