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  1. arxo

    St. George, Michael Kontraros Collectibles (oils)

    This was my entry (and long overdue) in Athens Miniature Show 2017. It is painted in oils and is a figure from Michael Kontraros Collectibles. Photos, courtesy of Marios Vrachiolidis, a fellow member of Star Club Athens. If anyone feels like it, please visit and vote...
  2. arxo


    Hello all, I just finished this beautiful little horse by Maurizio Bruno. Painted in oils over acrylics. The base is scratch-built, following the techniques presented by Michael Kontraros in one of his demos at the Star Club Athens. Hope you like it. Wip pictures are also included. Thank...
  3. arxo

    Open Book "The Anonymous Experience" by Adrian Sanchez Valero

    Hello all, If you happened to be at the World EXPO at Stressa this summer, I do hope your eye was caught by this beautiful little bust, as mine was. I thought it to be full of character and superbly painted. But I didn't know whose was it and if it was available commercially, until recently...
  4. arxo

    Oils Knight Hospitaller, XIII century

    Finally finished.Oils over acrylics and 2 part milliput epoxy for the castle. Hope you like it, all comments are welcome. Thank you for your time.
  5. arxo

    Completed YS Miniatures, Georgios Drakos 1821, Oils

    I am very glad to present my latest work. Painted in oils, I consider it to be my best work thus far. All comments are welcome,thank you for your time.
  6. arxo

    WIP Georgios Drakos, YS Miniatures, 1821 Series

    Hello all, Started this excellent bust from YS Miniatures, 1821 Series, of Georgios Drakos a few days ago and this is where I am at the moment. Working with oils, over acrylics and aiming to catch something of Mr.Cartacci's box art magic. Photos are taken with mobile phone and I expect to...
  7. arxo

    Completed Shhh! The bee keeper is asleep...

    A fun little project, painted in oils... Really enjoyed this one. The base was painted to resemble a bee hive with honey and yes, these are real bees...Note: No bees were hurt or killed in the process of making this mini...(they were, erm, dead already...) Hope you like it! All comments are...
  8. arxo

    Oils JMD Knight (completed)

    Hello to all PF members, I'd like to present my latest work on this little gem from JMD, Medieval Knight. It is painted with oils (except chain mail, in printer's ink) and all comments are welcome. Thank you for your time.
  9. arxo

    Oils CHE GUEVARA - HISTORIA Miniatures (completed)

    Hello to all PF members. I would like to present my new and second attempt in oils, this beautiful bust of Che Guevara, from Historia Miniatures. The sheen on the jacket is because it is still not completely dry and I keep putting him in and out of the drying box in order to avoid excessive...
  10. arxo

    WIP Che Guevara from Historia Miniatures

    Hello all, Continuing my experimentations with oils I decided to give this excellent bust a try and paint it in black and white. I always liked the idea to paint something in grey tones, since this way I think one can focus on volume and not color (and because I suck on colors...;-p). On the...
  11. arxo

    Oils, First Try... (oh! They Actually Blend!!!) - Wizard

    Hello all, For a while now I was curious to give oils a try and see what all the fuss was about. So, erm...Yes, they actually! Better than I could have imagined or! ;) First of all let's get something out of the way. Yes, he is more red than he should be... :p:oops...
  12. arxo

    Legolas, Knightmodels...well, Almost...

    Hello all, I would never have imagined that my first review of an open box/figurine would have this ironic feel... You see, I am a fan and regular customer of Knightmodels figurines for at least 4 years now and I own most of their Marvel figurines. I never had any problems with my orders...
  13. arxo

    Completed Hellboy 45mm - (the Tentacles Of Doom!)

    Well that was bitter - sweet ! I purchased this beautiful Hellboy 45mm mini from PF member bilibov ( a few months ago to give to a friend (a huge fan of Mignola's Hellboy comic book character) as a gift. First of all let me tell you that...
  14. arxo,no,no,no!

    Picture this: You start on your new mini, all possibilities available, colors dancing in your mind, base ideas, you hit play on your favorite music list/talk show, family asleep, lay down your basic color, your first lights, your first shadows, blend, feel good, time to go to sleep, the clock...
  15. arxo

    Completed Zeus - Alexandros Models

    Hello to all PF members... It's been a while since my last post, but at last (!!) I managed to finish this beautiful figure of ZEUS from Alexandros Models that's been 'bugging' me all this time. It was a big (literally) challenge for me, since it's my first try on such a big scale (80mm). It's...
  16. arxo

    Completed Andrea Miniatures - The Old Fiddler (Updated photos)

    Hello everyone, This is my latest figure, an excellent and beautiful piece from Andrea miniatures, and my first attempt at 54mm... It requires minimum cleaning or filling, but you have to plan ahead (I didn't) in order to correct minor fitting issues (fits almost like LEGO - but you have...
  17. arxo

    Completed Nocturna Celtic Chieftain

    Hello everyone, It's been a long while since my last post but I finally managed to finish this beautiful bust from Nocturna. Taking a leave off of my favorite miniatures I decided to try my hand in a bust. This is my first attempt to paint a bust and I am rather pleased of...
  18. arxo

    Completed Obi Wan Kenobi, Knightmodels

    Hello everyone, Just finished this Star Wars miniature of Obi Wan Kenobi... It's painted in acrylics and all comments are welcome... The most difficult part for me was gluing together the arms and hands and the saber to the base because it's very hard to line them up...
  19. arxo

    Completed YODA (STAR WARS) from

    Painted with acrylics over a few weeks period as a present for a friend... I decided against painting the light effect of the saber's reflection on the shoulder and sleeve and a 'dirtier' cloth, basically due to the lack of time... Hope you like it, All comments welcome... Thank you
  20. arxo

    WOLVERINE & PUNISHER from KnightModels

    Hello everyone, I am quite new to the art of painting miniatures and these are my first two attempts (to fully clean up, assembly, prime, paint and base) from KnightModels' MARVEL comics line of figures. They are beautifully sculpted and for a novice like me didn't require extensive cleaning...