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  1. Jazz

    Walt Disney and Mickey

    As the Christmas season is upon us I thought you may like to see what's going on our tree this year. A few years ago I purchased this Christmas tree bauble from Walt Disney World. It was painted gold to match the bigger than lifesize original at the park. I just had to paint it up and this is...
  2. Jazz

    Kirin's Culloden highlander

    I first purchased this excellent 120mm figure nearly 30 years ago (It could actually be 30 years). The figure is based on a drawing by the late great Derbyshire artist Rick Scollins who made brilliant artwork for the Osprey military books. The picture, in turn, was used as a basis for a figure...
  3. Jazz

    Victorian shop scene

    I don't get to paint as often as I used but every now and again I get to repaint one of my pieces. On this occasion I have gathered together all my old and treasured Phoenix Victorian figures with two Phoenix Hanson cabs and a couple of Andrea miniatures figures to make a Victorian street scene...
  4. Jazz

    Culloden highlander, Kirin 120mm

    Hi everyone. It's been a long time. Just wondering, I am currently in the process of repainting my 120 mms Kirin Culloden highlander. I may be a little slow in this but I have just noticed the headware on this figure and many other depictions of this theme is a blue beret with a white bow which...
  5. Jazz

    Madagascan Pirate bust

    Please see below my latest rendition of Raul Garcia Latorre's famous Madagascan Pirate bust which, like my 93rd Highlander bust, I have been the proud owner of for many years. Proud yes, but that didn't stop it getting knocked about in storage in my attic for several years. Now I have dug out...
  6. Jazz

    93rd Highlander

    Please see below my latest rendition of this excellent bust Latorre's 93rd Highlander at the Crimean War. I have had this bust for a very long time and recently took the pieces of it out of the attic to give it a spruce up. I cleaned up the colours of his jacket and added some darker shading...
  7. Jazz

    Robotic Rosie

    Hi everyone, Here is my latest version of an old figure I have. It is a 75mm Phoenix Follies figure of a female robot "Robotic Rose" as she was known in the catalogue. I have had this figure for over 25 years and decided that she needed a spruce up. I have made a few alterations to her...
  8. Jazz

    The name of the rose

    Hi everyone, Just lately most of my figures are being stored inside large plastic boxes in our attic due to a lack of room to properly display them. I don't paint as much as I used to but every now and then I go up into the attic and gaze lovingly on what are now mostly misshaped and broken...
  9. Jazz

    Templar Sergeant bust

    Hi everyone, A while back I bought an Andrea Templar Sergeant bust from Ebay. Or I thought I had. When I received it it was clearly a cheap copy. The worst thing about this was the head which was full of casting bubbles. I don't go out to buy cheap knock offs but if I accidentally get one...
  10. Jazz

    The Lawless frontier

    Remember a very long time ago when I posted a wild west diorama showing a saloon with a group of desperate looking men posing for a photo? Well, its been a long time since I last looked at that scene and imagine my surprise when I saw how much things had changed at that saloon. The season had...
  11. Jazz

    Latest reincarnation of Pharaoh Ramses II and chariot

    Hi everybody, A long time ago I used to be posting figures on this site all the time. Then I stopped. My eyes were getting worse (old age) and I put away my figure painting and replaced the hobby with drawing. I found this a little easier on the eyes and a helluva lot easier to store my...
  12. Jazz

    Knight models Loki

    Hi everyone, Long time no see. Hope everyone is ok in the current situation. I've been out of modelling for quite a long time as my eyes are getting a bit poor. Since I stopped painting about two years ago I put all my energy into drawing. Pictures are also easier to store than figures. I...
  13. Jazz

    The Tenth Doctor

    I recently met with a very talented man called Antony Halls who lives in Herefordshire. He showed me a bust that he had made himself of the tenth Dr Who incarnation played on TV by David Tennant. I was amazed by this bust, which is approximately 1/10 scale. He sent me a resin copy when he was...
  14. Jazz

    U.S. stagecoach 1848

    Hi fellow Planeteers, I don't know if you've noticed or not but I have been away from the forum for some time. I did hint the last time I was on that I would be making something a bit special but not in the figure arena. I was asked to put this on the Lounge forum when I had finished as some...
  15. Jazz

    Billy the kid

    As promised here is my latest completed 54mm figure. He was known by many names in the wild west, Henry McCarty, Wiĺliam Bonney, Kid Antrim, Brushy Bill, and most famously Billy the kid. Billy was rumoured as having killed 21 men by his 21st birthday. He was allegedly shot and...
  16. Jazz

    Completed The undertaker

    Hi everybody I'd like to show you all the process I took making my wild west undertaker figure. I've had this for many years and until recently incorporated it in a western diarama. It has become the norm for me lately to repaint some of my old figures, trying to improve them from the last...
  17. Jazz

    Barbarian raid

    They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. That being so I would like to show you all my latest rendition. Some time ago I saw an excellent rendition of the Latorre 54mm barbarian. I have had this figure for many years and thought I would like to do a similar version. Using...
  18. Jazz

    Lieutenant Chasseurs d'Afrique 1870

    This is my latest painted bust. It is a tiny Heroes and Villains French lieutenant from the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71. This is painted using enamels, acylics and oils. I look forward to your comments. John
  19. Jazz

    Battling knights

    I would like to show you all my latest repaint of two old figures that were sitting in my grey army for several years. The figures are painted mainly in acrylics and enamels. I was inspired recently by an excellent 75mm knight painted and shown on PF by fellow member...
  20. Jazz

    Michaleen the wise gnome

    This is my latest rendition which I call Michaleen the wise gnome named after Michaleen Oge Flynn from the movie The Quiet Man. Of course Michaleen in the movie wasn't a gnome but the actor Barry Fitzgerald bears a resemblance to this gnome. I scratchbuilt the spectacles and he is...