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  1. Heeresbergführer

    New Book about WWII German Winter Uniforms

    Servus Kameraden, Here's a new book available from Schiffer on German Winter Uniforms: Winter Uniforms of the German Army and Luftwaffe in World War II by Vincent Slegers - Horrido! Patrick
  2. Heeresbergführer

    Project Edelweiss: Reenacting @ 10,000 feet!

    Servus Bergkameraden, The best part of any hobby is interacting with others and sharing knowledge...that's what makes things enjoyable. My interests are in 1930-40's civilian mountaineering and WWII mountain troops from all countries. I've been collecting this stuff for quite some...
  3. Heeresbergführer

    WIP Various Gebirgsjägers

    Servus Bergkameraden,'s been a long time since I've done any modeling and painting, but I'm starting to get back into the hobby. Here are a few figures that have been sitting on the back burner for way too long: 1:35th - Gebirgskanonier & 7.5cm Gebirgskanone 15 1:35th -...
  4. Heeresbergführer

    Gebirgsjäger Display @ Dragon Models Expo '08

    Grüß Di' Bergkameraden, Here's some of my Gebirgsjäger collection that I displayed at the Dragon Models Expo in 2008. Bergheil und Horrido!
  5. Heeresbergführer

    120mm General Eduard Dietl, Hero of Narvik

    Servus, Showing off some past work since I'm a newbie here. An old Verlinden figure...modified long pants into general staff riding breeches with knee length Wickelgamaschen (puttees). Handcarved wooden base with an original cap Edelweiss and a reproduction Narvik shield added. Wir...
  6. Heeresbergführer

    120mm Hauptmann Groth, Mount Elbrus, Caucasus 1942

    Servus, New member on this forum, here's one of my past projects. Modified figure...sculpted left arm & hand, made ice axe from wood and plastic, converted winter parka into a Gebirgsjaeger Windbluse (anorak), and corrected the rucksack. The base is handcarved basswood with celluclay...
  7. Heeresbergführer

    90mm WWI Italian Alpino

    Ciao, New member to the forum, here's one of my past works. Added the goatee, made the Alpenstock (climbing staff) out of wood dowel, and caved the rock base from basswood. Painted with acrylics and oils. "Di qui non si passa!" (Alpini motto: "From here none shall pass!")
  8. Heeresbergführer

    Grüß Di' Bergkameraden!

    Servus! My name is Patrick. I joined the group to get back into the hobby. I've been modeling on and off since 1965. My primary interest is World War II Mountain Troops. I've been collecting original militaria of German Gebirgsjägers, US 10th Mountain Division, Italian Alpini, and other...