Hi again :happy:
Yeah I know I have not been posting anything for ages but life has just got in the way. I have paints coming for Christmas so I have 3 figures I am determine to finish before March.
However as a side note I am after reference material or search keyword to use to find out...
I am currently (and taking me ages) painting a British Napoleonic Grenadier.
You know white belts and trousers with red jacket.
Now at the moment I am still back in the learning phase and being clumsy have got red paint on the white ares where I shouldn't :oops:
So any one any tips on how...
I was mooching around looking at bases, wooden, plastic, plinth etc and noticed that some that are 30-50mm in dimension are designed for figures up to 54mm.
So how large a base would you do for a single figure of 75mm or 120mm in height?
How many military orders were there during the Crusades?
I know that there were Templers, Hospitalers and I found out there was the Order of St Lazaurs, Leper Knights.
We're there any more?
I have seen this posted up on one of the IPMS websites, plus the lady from El Greco said they were going to have store there, so thought I would post here just to let people know.
I have never been to this show so I have no prior knowledge as to what...
OK as in another thread I have some old Tamiya Acrylic paints, which I have stirred, shaken etc and when I open the paint pot it all looks fine.
I am trying to paint onto a resin figure whihc has been undercoated with white primer.
Now if I use the paint straight from the pot and apply it to...
I have some paints enamels unopened and opened plus some acylics in a similar state.
Now I know the enamels can seperate out but do they actually go off?
If I stir, shake cna I reuse them or is it just best to throw them and get some new ones?
Bare in mind that some of these paints are...
I am sure I have seen something on here about ti but I can't find anything relevant when doing a search. o_0
Ok so I am trying to paint a VL figure using Oil Paints, now I have used some blue for his pants and tried to paint it on thinly by wetting the brush with turps Winsor and Newton, but...
I have been a lurker on here for a while now, so thought I would come in and say 'Hi'.
I am returning to kit building/ Figure painting after about 20+ years and so my skills are somewhat rusty, well more than rusty to be honest :)
Ok where the cafe? :lol:
PS I noticed there is a Carl...