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  1. Ray Welshman

    Its Been Awhile

    Its been awhile since I've been on the forums and painting miniatures, life gets in the way sometimes. I'm back at it now, got a new bench setup and trying some new techniques. Here are 3 I just finished in the last couple of months all based in black and painted in oils. Cheers, Ray
  2. Ray Welshman

    Strange Request - Looking for a 70-100mm Raven Miniature

    Guys, Anybody know of somebody who might sell or have a miniature crow or raven? I'm working on a Druid piece and looking to add it to the scene. I tried sculpting one but doesnt look right. Cheers Ray
  3. Ray Welshman


    Just as the title says, I spend hours and hours on a figure but get real lazy when it comes to the groundwork. Anybody know of any good reference material out there that can help to bring it up a level? Cheers Ray
  4. Ray Welshman

    WIP NWMP 1876-1878

    Hi There, I've done 3 early era mounties all for other people now this one is for my shelf :) Ive always been fascinated/interested in the start of the North West Mounted Police. It was a force based on a military formation and most of its early members were military. In the early formation...
  5. Ray Welshman

    Frankish Wararior 4th Century

    I picked this guy up at MFCA last year. It went together very well and a very nice cast. Very little clean up. Painted OOB with a minor add on the hem of the tunic with putty to add a semblance of design. Painted in acrylics and oils. Cheers Ray
  6. Ray Welshman

    Nocturna 54mm Griffon

    I just finished this today. Its not my usual subject but enjoyed putting it together and painting it. I didn't really plan anything just went with my instincts on colors, Usually doing historical projects I have the colors, layout all planned out. This one I just went with it :) Painted in...
  7. Ray Welshman

    Mountford Metal Miniatures - Canadian Militia Artillery 1887

    Hi There, A good friend has sent me this kit and I cant seem to find any pics of it built up or anything on their website. Anybody know of this kit? Whats the quality, good base for a nice diorama? Cheers Ray
  8. Ray Welshman

    Prologue Elrond - Lord of the RIngs

    I picked this guy up in Chicago this year and its the first time in a long time where I just painted something with no conversion - Out of the Box lol. I thought this was a nice figure went together well with minimal cleanup. I was also inclined to do a fantasy piece. For this figure after all...
  9. Ray Welshman

    Cheap and Easy Carry Box for Figures

    Hi There, Recently I was at the Chicago Show but before I traveled there I was in a bit of a dilemma. I had a 120mm mounted figure to take but no travel box. I had grand plans to build something but because of work and life I ran out of time. So the following is how I solved the issue. Cost...
  10. Ray Welshman

    Scratch Building Weapons

    Hey Everybody, I was wondering if anybody can help me out here. Im looking for info on scratch building weapons for my figures. Mainly pistols, rifles, etc. I know there are after market items out there but would like to do my own. Cheers Ray
  11. Ray Welshman

    WIP Calgary Highlanders Sniper WWII

    For those Canadians out there most will recognize this picture of a Sniper from the Calgary Highlanders from WWII. Very unique uniform, a denison smock, gurkha knife, binos, sniper rifle etc. I've always wanted to do this subject and finally started. I'm using the old DML British Red Devil as a...
  12. Ray Welshman

    Painting Detailed Designs

    Hi There, One of the things I struggle with is painting details such as designs. I see all these beautiful shields, banners etc at the shows and amazed at the level of detail. I'm about to start a project 120mm where the figure will be wearing a North American Native/Metis buckskin jacket. I...
  13. Ray Welshman

    WIP Bugler - Strathcona's Horse Late WWI

    Hi There, I finally got some time to start something new. I have a 1/35th Scale diorama started in a similar subject but put it on the backbench for a bit. I need to do something a little bigger to save my eyes :) This subject will be a Bugler late WWI - Strathcona's Horse. The scale is...
  14. Ray Welshman

    EuroMilitaire Publications

    Hi There, Every year for the last 10 or so I used to pick up Military Modelling special issue on Euromilitaire. I looked forward to it every year but they no longer publish the issue but I think break it up into two articles I believe. Are there any other published specials on the show that I...
  15. Ray Welshman

    WIP World War I Canadian Cavalry

    Hi There, I just started this diorama of Canadian Strathcona's Horse Late WWI. I was going to first do it in 120mm but settled on 1/35th. So far its a kit bash of DML, ICM, Hornet Heads, putty etc. I haven't settled yet on the final look but basically its a group on patrol with two officers in...
  16. Ray Welshman

    NWMP 1876+

    Hi There, I'm about to start this project for a friend of mine. It will be a Corporal in the Canadian NWMP Circa 1876+. The scale will be 120mm and will be an assortment of kitbash parts and stratchbuilt. For the horse I will be using one of the older Dragon plastic kits. I will be using...
  17. Ray Welshman

    Stripping Figures

    Hi There, I have some older figures that I would like to re-do. They are for the most part painted in humbrols and oils. Should I attempt to strip them down or just put a coat of primer over it and start over. I use GW skull white these days for primer. The original paint is not on thick so...
  18. Ray Welshman

    54mm Female Head Sets

    Do anybody know of any decent 54mm female head sets? There is a set of 1/35th from Hornet but I'm thinking will be too small Cheers Ray