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  1. Daniel.M

    Completed Knight, Line Grenadier, Officer of Guard Grenadiers and Ratcatcher

    Hi everyone. Here are some of our other low cost figures in 54mm. Have a nice day :) Dan and Kate
  2. Daniel.M

    Completed Highlander Officer, Napoleonic Wars

    Hi all. This is our new project, Highlander officer, 54mm. Nice day Dan & Katka
  3. Daniel.M

    Completed Viking and Bernadotte

    Hi all This is our two new figures. Viking warrior and Marshal Bernadotte. Have a nice day. Dan & Katka
  4. Daniel.M


    Hi everyone. This is our new low cost figure, Janissary, 18th century. Have a nice day Dan & Katka:)
  5. Daniel.M

    Completed French Currassier, 1815

    Here is the second figure. Created for Dan & Katka:)
  6. Daniel.M

    Completed Cameron Highlander 1815

    Hi All:) . We present a new low cost figures 54mm. Created for Dan & Katka
  7. Daniel.M

    Completed Vikings Clash 54mm

    Hi all:) . Here are our new figures of the Vikings. The poses created by customer. Realized for Dan & Katka
  8. Daniel.M

    Completed British Officer, Experimental Corps of Rifleman, 1800, 54mm

    Hi all:) New low cost figure 54 mm. British Officer, Experimental Corps of Rifleman, 1800. Sabre oversizing on wish of customer. Dan & Katka
  9. Daniel.M

    Completed Sapeur du Genie de la Garde

    Greetings to all:) . This is our new project, Sapeur du Génie de la Garde, low cost figure 54 mm. The pose of figure designed by Borek. We hope you will enjoy it.;) Dan & Kate
  10. Daniel.M

    Completed Langobard Warrior 54mm

    Hi all. This is older figure we created under the activity Grey Wolf Studio. For this studio we worked a few years ago. Made for a private collector. Dan & Katka:)
  11. Daniel.M

    Completed Général Letort 54mm

    Low Cost figure realized for Hannah Miniatures. Have a nice day Dan & Katka:)
  12. Daniel.M

    Completed Général Dorsenne

    Low cost figure realized for Best Regards Dan & Katka:)
  13. Daniel.M

    Polish Infantryman 54mm

    Dear friends. We present a new 54 mm low cost figure. It's a Polish infantryman from the Napoleonic wars. Figure is created without a backpack. Figure is created for Hannah Miniatures (www.hannahminiatury net). Material - Magic Sculp and Ceys. We hope that you will enjoy . Dan & Katka
  14. Daniel.M

    Completed Meeting at the Burned Mill - 54mm vignette

    Hello Everyone:) We present a new project. It is a small 54 mm vignette of the Napoleonic Wars. It is a meeting of Napoleon with the Emperor Francis I, who is accompanied by Prince Lichtenstein. This meeting took place after the Battle of Austerlitz. We hope will like it. Vignette will be...
  15. Daniel.M

    WIP 54mm Napoleonic Vignette - "Caught Drunk"

    Our next project, on which work continuously, its vignette from the Napoleonic era (1807) called "Caught Drunk." For now, the two finished figures. Vignette will be composed of four pieces. Shows the Driver of the Artillery Train in service, which is caught drunk, directly Napoleon himself and...
  16. Daniel.M

    Completed Austrian Artilery infantry 1805, 54mm

    An one more figure of Napoleonic Wars. Magic Sculp & Ceys too ;-) Dan & Katka
  17. Daniel.M

    Completed French Mineur

    Next fiugure of our Napoleonic series. Magic Sculp & Ceys. Dan & Katka
  18. Daniel.M

    Completed Bohemian King Charles IV, 54mm

    Hi Planeters :) Our new figure 54 mm. Magic sculp & Ceys.
  19. Daniel.M

    Porte Aigle 54mm

    And here is one more separate Figure 54mm. Material of original mastermodel - Magic Sculpt and Ceys. Dan and Katka
  20. Daniel.M

    WIP Battle of Austerlitz 1805 - The Struggle Before Telnice

    Hi everyone:-) We are work a new project. It's 54mm diorama of the Battle of Austerlitz. Still need to complete the banner, and then three infantry figures (commander of the Russian jaeger, Russian infantryman of the musketeers regiment and dead French infantryman) and three riders...