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  1. M


    Looks fantastic, but the stick still looks illegal to me ;) Martin PS. Would be interested in some other NHL figures
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    New idea for a blog

    Jamie that's exactly what I'm after. Email me a bit more text and some pics of the finished figure and I will submit it to the blog. Cheers Martin
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    New idea for a blog

    Thanks fellas Seems I've hit upon a good idea. My main concern is that the blog is easy to follow and also that the content is of a quality which conveys the aims well. Will be interesting to see who contributes first. I will do my best to make it readable and keep an easy overview...
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    New idea for a blog I've been off the scene for a few years and recently hit upon the idea of an online community where modellers can share their recipes for paintjobs in one webspace. The blog is in a very rough early phase and I would very much appreciate input from...
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    Commercially available religious figures?

    Has to be the closest to sculpting excellence i have ever seen. Tom Meier must have the hands of a master craftsman.
  6. M

    Commercially available religious figures?

    That looks excellent, right up her street.
  7. M

    Commercially available religious figures?

    Thanks fellas, the Andrea figure is fairly pricey, but gruesome enough for a catholic. If I was back in Liverpool I would pick up some figures no problem, just here in Germany I'm not aware of the choice.
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    Commercially available religious figures?

    My mother is catholic (I'm not, but was brought up as one) and for a present, I would like to try my hand at making a statue or figure more realistic with acrylics. My question is, are there any offerings in resin, or would I just have to work on the usual plaster/metal figures? I know it may...
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    Gunze Sangyo

    Try here as he usually does his best to help people out. Failing that, you can also try here HTH Martin
  10. M

    Riverside Dio for Alpine Winter Panzer pair

    Fellas, the path has dried and received another coat of icy snow. As has one side of the shed. The leading edge will be treated likewise this evening. Then its back to some pigments, washes and oversprays to bring out some more detail. Finally I will get the figures done, and hopefully get a...
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    Riverside Dio for Alpine Winter Panzer pair

    Since I moved flat and had to get used to the place I haven't had a lot of modelling time. So I decided to get some work done on this seemingly never ending dio. So far the wood hut has received some dry brushing, in readyness for some wind blown snow. The path has had the pigment treatment...
  12. M

    Searching for a sexy woman in 1/35

    Thanks to Guy, Marc, Frank and Mike. Like real life it will be a difficult choice. Going for 1/35 or 54mm will suit my DML figures which are 1/35. The sculpting of the El Viejo Dragon 1/43 series is spot on for erotic posing, and may add to the sense of perspective in a tall diorama. I just...
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    Searching for a sexy woman in 1/35

    I had a trawl through Red Lancers and found these from Preiser: They should be available here in Germany, and I can scratch some suitable clothing for them too. My idea was to have some troops passing under a bordello balcony and looking up in battle weary resignment. Thanks guy. MfG...
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    Searching for a sexy woman in 1/35

    I have an idea for a vignette involving a woman on a balcony, displaying her charms to a group of soldiers standing below her at street level. All the female figures I have seen so far have paled by comparison to the well sculpted military figures available in 1/35. I know that Andrea and...
  15. M

    Hitlerjugend Normandy . 120mm Figure finished

    I took the liberty of using a quick auto contrast in Photoshop. Your layout and finishing of the 1929 Italian camo is particularly impressive, as is the pose of the figure. MfG Martin
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    "Volgor" - The Skull Hunter - Finished

    Certainly does Guy. I've been looking to reproduce this effect in acrylics, with varying success. It's very similar in appreance to how Jaume Ortiz and Calvin Tan highlight their 1/35 single coloured fabrics. MfG Martin
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    "Volgor" - The Skull Hunter - Finished

    Guy, having looked at the detail shots of the biceps, did you paint horizontally across the muscle to give a striated appearance, or is it a natural effect? It looks similar to the rain marks added to panzers by armour modellers. I think it adds a great unnatural touch to the beast. Great...
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    Changing compressor oil

    The time has come for me to change the oil in my Sil Air 15, and having read the instructions, I am non the wiser as to how I should do it. This is the compressor, and the Silentaire site has the usual user manuals, but I am getting stuck on the plastic hoses that I have to disconnect...
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    Jäger Figures

    Klaus, ich hab mal ein Paar Fotos gefunden. Panzer Reiter sind die aber nicht, aber der Qualität und die Pose kann man einfach sehen. MfG Martin
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    Jäger Figures

    Ah sorry Klaus, I just assumed a German reply would be better ;) The figures appeared to be of good cast quality and sculping, I would say they are not up to the standards of Alpine Miniatures, but you could get a good set of Panzer riders from them. I remember that the poses were pretty...