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  1. Tarok

    Looking into a Rorkes Drift Dio/Vignette

    I'm surprised nobody has suggested Beneito Miniatures
  2. Tarok

    Completed Critique Panzer-Pionier-Bataillon 37, 1.Panzer-Division, Leningrad 1941

    Lovely work. Is the rear of the pioneer half track from a DML kit as well? Or is it a commercial wedgie?
  3. Tarok

    Completed Critique US Marine 1940-41

    Might just be me and a lack of sleep and coffee but he's got a kinda John Wayne look about his face... :)
  4. Tarok

    News Andrea Miniaturas

    Love the Viking vignette! Will definitely need to add one of these to the grey army :)
  5. Tarok

    Coming soon to a modelling site near you

    July has been a rather quiet month modelling-wize for me. I finished up a work engagement at the end of June, only to have to pull one or two knives from my back a few days later - you just have to love those players that wait until you are off-site to put a knife between your shoulderblades and...
  6. Tarok

    Wee Friends' WWII German Infantryman, with PPSH Review

    Manufacturer: Friendship Models/Wee FriendsItem Code: WF35020Medium: ResinReview Publication Date: August 7th 2009The captured robust, reliable PPSh41 sub-machine gun was a favourite weapon of Heer and Waffen-SS troops engaged on the Eastern Front, and because of the similarities between its...
  7. Tarok

    Review: Tamiya's Volkswagen 1300 Beetle 1966

    Manufacturer: TamiyaItem Code: 24136Medium: Injection Plastic MoldReview Publication Date: August 7th 2009The Volkswagen Type 1, or “Beetle” as it affectionately became known to millions around the world, is virtually instantly recognisable in sight and sound. The mechanically simple“People’s...
  8. Tarok

    Review: LionRoar WWII U.S. Army Extra Attachments

    Manufacturer: LionRoarItem Code: LE35089Medium: ResinReview Publication Date: August 20th 2009Period photographs typically show WWII vehicles, Allied vehicles in particular, heavily laden with a wide variety of items: some of these issued, others acquired and collected. But the one constant is...
  9. Tarok

    And then some...

    While I'm sure regular readers of this Blog are used to my somewhat infrequent updates, I thought I had better give everyone a brief (since when are my updates and comments ever "brief"? LOL!) update on what's been going on in my life distracting me from the cause.As I mentioned previously the...
  10. Tarok

    Getting there...

    We're getting there... Almost back on track and where we were... Almost. That is to say we (Her Ladyship and I) are almost back to where we were before we packed up and left South Africa: we have the jobs; have the house; have the house almost furnished to our satisfaction. Still no car, but...
  11. Tarok

    Alpine's German Heer Panzer Crew Set (Review)

    Manufacturer: Alpine MiniaturesItem Code: 35084, 35085, 35086Medium: ResinReview Publication Date: September 30th 2009Amongst the most coveted of non-issue Luftwaffe flight suits was the home-produced black leather suit with distinctive zip-fastened slash pockets. With the occupation of...
  12. Tarok

    Alpine's German Panzer Crew Set (Review!)

    Manufacturer: Alpine MiniaturesItem Code: 35087, 35088, 35089Medium: ResinReview Publication Date: November 9th 2009Staying warm appears to have been a challenge to soldiers throughout time. A fairly common practice is to wear as much of one’s uniform, both issue and non-issue, as possible...
  13. Tarok

    New photos of old works

    I finally got around to unpacking the last of the modelling boxes a few weeks ago. It really was like meeting old friends, as most of these hadn't been rummaged through since being packed about 18 months ago. Upon finding my completed works, most of which amazing survived the intercontinental...
  14. Tarok

    Rest Model's 54mm German Barbarians (Review)

    Manufacturer: Rest Models Item Code: RM3204 Medium: Resin Review Publication Date: December 7th 2009 It would be an injustice to say that Rest Models are newcomers to the historical figures modelling genre, as their very first 120mm figure was in fact a Napoleonic era French Hussar. Similarly...
  15. Tarok

    Alpine's WW2 Russian AFV Crew Set (Review!)

    Manufacturer: Alpine Miniatures Item Code: 35090, 35091, 35092 Medium: Resin Review Publication Date: December 20th 2010 The winter fighting of 1941-42 forced the introduction of more suitable winter gear to the Red Army, which had been under development since the embarrassing Finnish campaign...
  16. Tarok

    Ademola22's 200mm Landsknecht (Review)

    Manufacturer: Ademola 22 Item Code: 200 025 Medium: Resin Review Publication Date: December 30th 2009 Today the term Landsknecht is more often than not associated with the type of German mercenary originating from what are presently Alsace, Baden Württemberg and the Austrian Tyrol, and who...
  17. Tarok

    First review for 2010: Alpine's WW2 US Army Officer Set Set

    Manufacturer: Alpine Miniatures Item Code: 35093, 35094, 35095 Medium: Resin Review Publication Date: January 15th 2010 Although much of the everyday uniform of US tankers was identical to that elsewhere in the US Army, they received a variety of specialised clothing, some of which was intended...
  18. Tarok

    Why so quiet (again), Mr Richardson?

    It's been a few weeks, about a month methinks, since my last posting on this blog. Why so quiet you may be asking, or not. And so, the purpose of this posting is to inform those vaguely interested why it may be perceived that I have been quiet and perhaps detached over the past few weeks or even...
  19. Tarok

    Converting a Flak Gunner to a Stug Gunner

    My entry for Historicus Forma's Sculpt-Along 2010 campaign isn't a full figure sculpt: unfortunately I don't have the time and I had a figure I was about to start converting for a current project. I'm currently working on a Stug III Ausf B for a group build on Tanks and Things and need a figure...
  20. Tarok

    Alpine's US Tanker Heads & Hands (Review)

    Manufacturer: Alpine MiniaturesItem Code: H002Medium: ResinReview Publication Date: March 18th 2010 H002 – “US Tanker Heads & Hands” is Alpine Miniatures’ second accessory set, consisting of four heads and four hands. The four heads, all previously released in Alpine figure sets, wear the M1942...