It has been a long time without put anything in the forum.
This one is my latest figure. Sculpture and painting by me, now in the TFB Miniatures catalogue.
But this was a Spanish soldier in America, Virreinato del Río de la Plata.
They repelled British invasion attempts twice, in 1806 and 1807.
Daniel is making a great collection on this subject.
And these are the latest pics by the moment:
From then I have completed the kilt sculpting that was worrying me, as it affects to the position of the equipment.
That will be the next installment.
Well Ian has put some pics, but I will complete the SBS to the end:
I am using as guide for the uniform an illustration by Gerry Embleton based on this picture:
Less than a week for Black Friday!
Check out our catalogue:
We will get 75 mm. figures for 28 € or less, and our 1/35 figures for 11 €.