"they're gaining on us"
A postapocalyptic figure scenery.
scale: 1/35
material: resin
More informations you will find here in the shop.
Thanks for watching,
German mechanic and pilot in Electric heated flight suit, ww1
scale 1/32
material resin
More informations you will find here in shop.
Best regards,
LOL this is really funny. Two different versions of the same theme.
You will find my interpretation of this famous picture within the next weeks in my shop.
Best regards,
50kg Carbonit bombs, Germany 1914-16
scale 1/32
material resin
... you will find it here in shop...
... and...
different sets of laser cut plants:
jungle plants - set 1
jungle plants - set 2
jungle plants - set 3
fern fronds - set 1
fern fronds - set 2
... you will find here in shop...
100kg P.u.W. bomb, German air force ww1
scale: 1/32
material: resin and photo etched parts
More inormations you will find here in the shop.
Best regards,
Running RFC pilot in leather coat
scale: 1/32
material: resin
More informations, you will find here: https://www.kellerkind-miniaturen.com/running-rfc-pilot.html
Best regards,
8 German ww1 bomb fuse crates for carbonit and P.u.W. bombs.
scale: 1/32
material: resin
parts: 12
More informations you will find here in shop:https://www.kellerkind-miniaturen.com/bomb-fuse-boxes.html
Thanks for watching and best regards,
German carbonite bombs, (1914-16)
1/32 scale
Kit of three different types of the German aerial bombs (3x 4,5kg, 2x 10kg, 2x 20kg)
material: resind and photo etched parts.
Highly detailed
More informations you will find here in shop...
No.: 54076 - load for ww1 airplanes
scale: 1/32
material: resin
More informations you will find her ein shop:
Best regards,