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  1. ukali1066

    WIP Critique Need help finishing this figure...

    Bill Horan uses flesh to highlight red, never white as it ends up pink and chalky
  2. ukali1066

    Polish Nobleman ( Limited Reedition)

    Pan Zagloba !
  3. ukali1066

    The Vikings Arrive

    Would be great if not for the vambraces
  4. ukali1066

    Video Review Assault Models German Machine Gunner 1943 1/16

    It's a shame their website no longer exists....likely being penalised for the war like many other innocent Russian businesses
  5. ukali1066

    Novembers release from Young Miniatures

    The bearded 18th century Highlander has become such a trope...the fashion then was to be clean shaven
  6. ukali1066

    Life Miniatures (Korea) - News

    I question the floating rifle, they weighed 9lb's
  7. ukali1066

    DG-Artwork New Release (September 2021)

    What period is this meant to represent ? I've only seen black watch pipers with beards during or just after the Crimean war when beards were permitted, and the uniform was different to what's shown here
  8. ukali1066

    Review All in the Valley of Death - Semper Fidelis

    An illustration by the excellent Pierre Turner
  9. ukali1066

    Review All in the Valley of Death - Semper Fidelis

    Here is a reenactor from Military Illustrated magazine from 1991 showing the 17th Lancers campaign uniform in 1854
  10. ukali1066

    1st Cavalry Div. from Young

    They did, ERDL camo was the fore runner to the woodland pattern, usually worn by Special forces though and it did have a pattern to the fabric like ripstop, see this preserved example The United States Marine Corps (USMC) adopted the green "Lowland" version as standard issue in Vietnam from...
  11. ukali1066


    Hi, I'd like to get my hands on this figure in unstarted condition I'm in the UK, hope to hear from you Many Thanks Lee
  12. ukali1066

  13. ukali1066

    1/6th figure : Ensign, 11th Foot 1832 .

    Great to see you on here Tony, superb figures as always
  14. ukali1066

    WIP First attempt at 1/10 bust sculpting, 44th Foot, Gandamak 1842

    Many thanks for the positive words fellas
  15. ukali1066

    WIP First attempt at 1/10 bust sculpting, 44th Foot, Gandamak 1842

    You're right Carl, there's still a hell of a lot to put right
  16. ukali1066

    WIP First attempt at 1/10 bust sculpting, 44th Foot, Gandamak 1842

    Many thanks for the kind words guys, my plan is to sculpt a range eventually and get castings done by a professional resin caster, varied eras but mainly Peninsular and Victorian British soldiers.... but I'll not run before I can walk ;)
  17. ukali1066

    WIP First attempt at 1/10 bust sculpting, 44th Foot, Gandamak 1842

    Hi all, Here's my progress so far on my first bust, the basic body and head shapes were cast in milliput using a simple two half push mould made from the master I'd sculpted in white milliput, this is to ensure all forthcoming busts I intend to do will be in the same scale, and it cuts out a...
  18. ukali1066

    Open Book Reedees 1/16 Scale Model Weapons

    Great ! I can sculpt but rifles always were too much effort and were off putting, these will make it much easier....hope to see the Western weapons materialise too
  19. ukali1066

    Completed Critique Short Sleep (WWII 1/35 dio)

    You have captured a little slice of human misery there...they look cold, wet and exhausted...superb
  20. ukali1066

    is gw black primer paint any good?

    Halfords car primer everytime mate