Thanks Marcel...
I will shade mine next knight even more, this is mine second historical figure i have finished, and I am learning all the way, And you guys are tru artists:o
Mine next project is an mounted temple knight!!!!
thanks for the answers guys.......
It is not a real tree, no:) but I am very glad, it looks that way....
More shading on the whites, hmm, And I thought i overdoned it.
hi guys
Finished this English knight from andrea miniatures, Battle of agincourt....
just have to add som "dirt" on his legs... And he is good to go
Thanks... I did not sculpt it, but I painted it
Acrylis, oilpaint and pastell powder did the job..
I can not remember wich name it is on the figure, but is made of resin. Totally 6 parts to glue...