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  1. Banshee -A Giraldes

    Knight Models: New Release

    :LOL: :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL: jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja. jejejeje i designed the pose of the two miniatures.. so it is my fault Dave. next time he will have his hand free. i dint know it was not allowed to carry two things at the same time...
  2. Banshee -A Giraldes

    Knight Models: June New Release

    here you have the link to a complete step by step process with commentaries about how it was made. sorry for my english . i have not time to check if everything is weel written and my level is not as i would like. but i think it is easy to understand what i've tried with it...
  3. Banshee -A Giraldes

    Knight Models: June New Release are guessing right. last extreme lights are done with titanium white from the golden acrylics range. I draw the effect directly on the surface.. i'll post a link to a step by step process with multiple pictures where you will able to see how i made the differernt steps and all the...
  4. Banshee -A Giraldes

    Knight Models: June New Release

    ask me whatever you want. i am the painter
  5. Banshee -A Giraldes

    New Life Miniatures

    puff!!! i cannot stop watching it however is more clean and less expressive than the usual sang eon's works, i have to admit that this one has shocked my eyes.. really superb
  6. Banshee -A Giraldes

    New Life Miniatures

    i am the biggest fan of sang eon artworks.. he is unique.. the sculpture is awesome.. i am not sure if people will buy it a lot or not cause is a very personal and non commercial kit.. but sincerelly this is absulutely superb. there are a big difference between real artist and good artisans...
  7. Banshee -A Giraldes

    New Miniatures Ángel Terol

    this is really brilliant i love it!
  8. Banshee -A Giraldes

    MFCA show - additional info/who is coming?

    see you there. it will be interesting ti be in my first event like that in the states. cheers!!
  9. Banshee -A Giraldes

    Knight Models: APRIL NEW RELEASE

    i use everything. mainly citadel, but also andrea color, vallejo, liquitex, watercolours, every type of inks, windsor and newton, americana...i 've alot of colours but mainly citadel. i like them and i use the easily. i agree just trying. i've not developed a specific thecnique for this...
  10. Banshee -A Giraldes

    Knight Models: APRIL NEW RELEASE

    universal languaje indeed. it doesnt depends on the paint company. i mean. it is just because the draws are from a different material than the rest of the cape. (in the real costume i mean). so i painted very matt the cape and then introduced those satin freehands one by one (thanks to Delso...
  11. Banshee -A Giraldes

    Banshee- HI to all

    thanks to knightmodels to allow me to direct the range of the lord of the rings and thanks to alfonso gonzalo and darko bagaric for sculpting so well that i wanted to cry when the give us the final sculptures. i followed all the step by step and it was a real honour. i am a super fan of TLOTR...
  12. Banshee -A Giraldes

    Vote! 2011 Figure of the Year Nominees

    thanks mate! i feel good! it is nice that people recognize the hard work. thanks. :)
  13. Banshee -A Giraldes

    Knight Models: APRIL NEW RELEASE

    as you wish. i love to do it! but my english is not perfect enough! ;( yes it is freehand. just acrylic. black ink mixed with chaos black (citadel). the base is mate and the freehand pattern is a bit satined to achieve the contrast. i find easy to draw. I came from the drawing. it was the...
  14. Banshee -A Giraldes

    Banshee- HI to all

    hi guys! thanks for the welcome! i will post my works as soon as i keep a bit of time. and if people are interested i can share new process links that i use to post on facebook. i have to investigate about rules on this forum
  15. Banshee -A Giraldes

    Knight Models: APRIL NEW RELEASE

    yes, i agree with you. but when you buy a license.. the license buy your soul too so, we cannot change anything from the real costum.. if the boots were designed like that.. we have to sculpt/paint like that btw, next time i will go to peter jackson's home to suggest him to design the boots...
  16. Banshee -A Giraldes

    Novedades HistoricArt miniatures y Nocturna models

    i adore thsi mini. full of character. and very sexy. great sculpt and art direction behind. Alfonso gonzalo is a master between masters
  17. Banshee -A Giraldes

    Knight Models: APRIL NEW RELEASE

    we can talk with peter jackson's design team, jejeje.because those are exactly the boots that Boromir wear in the movies. I am the attendant that all the resources and documentation come from the official TLOTR style guide. so, this boots that looks like german IIWW are in fact the real boots...
  18. Banshee -A Giraldes

    Vote! 2011 Figure of the Year Nominees

    i am not sure if it is possible but i painted the ghost rider. (Alfonso Giraldes) maybe it is possible to update the info. :). thanks for the vote, it is nice tos ee my work there near to all those great artist
  19. Banshee -A Giraldes

    Banshee- HI to all

    Hi , mi name is Alfonso giraldes, aka Banshee in the web. I've been years reading this important forum and finally i decided to join the community. it is a pleasure to be here. I am a proffessional painter and sculptor. i have worked for several companies like Andrea, pizarro miniatures...