Does anyone know if there are any available 1/35 1/32 (54mm) WW1 British RFC heads complete with officers cap and cap badge? Failing this could anyone make the cap badge for this scale?
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They are 1/32 rather than 1/35, so might not work. All the RFC figures I am aware of are 1/32, not 1/35 (Tommy's War, Model Cellar, Elan13, Copper State Models, Black Dog, Kellerkind). AFAIK these are all full figures (the heads aren't separate). There aren't any RFC heads in the Hornet range.Elan13 do a range of WW1 pilots and ground crew, perhaps they could supply a suitable head?
Now you are really confusing me - those heads are 1/35. The only heads Hornet do in 1/32 are bareheaded. Why not buy a suitable 1/32 figure and hack its head off...? Even better, the Elan13 RNAS/RFC Pilot in Flying Coat WW1 comes with two separate head options, so you wouldn't have to hack the head off....
FWIW if you are going to use 1/35 heads those heads aren't great IMO because the RFC "stiff" cap did not have a curved top. You could always use HBH13 because after 1915 the RFC had soft "gor blimey" caps like these in addition to the more formal "stiff" cap..