101st Uniform colour in Normandy?


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Janne hi

You are correct. The M1942 jump suit was a khaki/tan type colour, and worn by both 82nd & 101st airborne in Normandy.

The M1943 jumpsuit (OD) was worn by most troopers in time for Market Garden. I do recall reading somewhere that some units however were still wearing the early uniform during Market Garden.


I've just finished my 101st from S&T , khaki , and I am looking forward to get the new one from them , that has de OD Uniform .
Does anybody knows a color that match this OD uniform from Model master , Vallejo or Polly Scale ?

ps: In a few days I will be posting pics here of my 101st...
Can the first S&T (120mm)be painted in the OD scheme or do modifications need to be made to the uniform itself? Im about to start on this figure and im not a huge fan of the khaki unform color. Thanks guys.
Originally posted by Pete Wenman@May 7 2005, 07:00 AM
I do recall reading somewhere that some units however were still wearing the early uniform during Market Garden.

Only one regiment of the 82nd. Airborne Division wore the M1942's into Holland. I don't remember which one, though. I do recall that the "official" excuse was a shortage of M1943's.
Which S&T paratrooper are you talking about? They've got two of them, one in each uniform. If you're talking about the "Normandy" paratrooper, you're in for a lot of conversion work. Better off leaving it "as is."