A Fixture
14th Century Knight
70mm White Metal
sculpted and painted by Young B. Song
After being thoroughly pleased with Young's Viking I also recieved the new 70mm 14th Century Knight. I was again more than satisfied after examing the kit after it arrived.
The box art is the painting guide for the front of the Knight and inside the box Young has provided a smaller photograph with the rear view of the Knight.
On the reverse side of the card is a closeup view of the tunic design.
The kit is comprised of 13 parts including the base. The helm is made up of 3 parts and lays at the foot of the Knight. The upper body has been cast seperately from the legs and arms with the sword blade being cast seperately from the hand.
I highly reccomend this fine 70mm kit from Young Miniatures.
Young Miniatures Web site
70mm White Metal
sculpted and painted by Young B. Song
After being thoroughly pleased with Young's Viking I also recieved the new 70mm 14th Century Knight. I was again more than satisfied after examing the kit after it arrived.
The box art is the painting guide for the front of the Knight and inside the box Young has provided a smaller photograph with the rear view of the Knight.
On the reverse side of the card is a closeup view of the tunic design.
The kit is comprised of 13 parts including the base. The helm is made up of 3 parts and lays at the foot of the Knight. The upper body has been cast seperately from the legs and arms with the sword blade being cast seperately from the hand.
I highly reccomend this fine 70mm kit from Young Miniatures.
Young Miniatures Web site