Completed 2 V busts from Mick's Mick's - 8th Hussar and 5th Lancer


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Looking good, awaiting the sausage replacement with bated breath.......
Hi folks

Still working on this " sausage " ....patience and trialling are the key

Mean while ...verbal update .....face all finished ...happy with that

In process of painting the blue uniform .....when ....que drum roll .......

....I caught the caplines which then proceeded to be eaten by the carpet monster ....

No repair possible , they came off fully , all cleaned up , new caplines in place using very thin putty

Waiting to totally dry and harden ...

So started my next project ...the TFB Hessian Fusilier

Stay tuned

Happy benchtime

Quick couple of iffyvision pics



The new rear caplines


Verbal update ...can't get to my bench this early due to sleeping Mrs Nap !

Completed the new caplines , after moving them over to more central on his back , tidied areas up .....just the blue to finish off ....Oh and ......make and add the drop over plume

Must admit I am pleased with the result on both these , will look good together

Happy benchtime

Did a bit more on the flesh and the caplines ...all done

Now it's on to the blue then back and sides blacked out ....then that plume

Iffyvision on to view larger images

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Hi folks

After much trying using wire, silk, lead wire and a tad bit of muttering under my breath !

Gradually built up with MS putty , finalising the surface now , then once dry will paint and fit

Reckon it's better shaped than the original

Will post pics in Completed forum once in place and put link on this WIP

All comments , suggestions welcome of course

Happy days

Happy benchtime


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