Hi all,
Could anyone please help with some references to the Colours of the 44th Foot at Waterloo.
I am in need of images of both Colours and any help or direction is appreciated.
Thank you and best wishes
Thanks Taff,
The second gives me a very good idea of the Regimental but unfortunately can't zoom in properly on the image, I am going through my books but as you can see no luck yet )
Thanks though mate
Carl, Helm, Taff, Mike,
Thank you very much, that is perfect.
Thanks for all your help, I am on a bit of a deadline with this for 2 sculpts.
My very best wishes to you all
Hi Gra Great stuff from the Guys here, The only thing that I would add is that at Waterloo the Union Flag in both the Kings and Regimental Colour is the full flag. That is including the red diagonal cross of St
Patrick. Also the Sphinx and Egypt plinth in laurels would be below the regimental crest/number.
I hope that this is of some use to you and good luck with your deadline. Cheers, Keith
PS. before the wave of foul play comes along. The segment of regimental colour here is post Waterloo but remove the Waterloo battle honour and the Crown and you get an idea of what it should be. Sorry its posted at half mast....someone must have passed away. (bloody technology) Cheers, Keith
A Regimnetal colour ...with anticipation we all wait to see the results ...I have more pics of the colour if needed from my book Die Fahnen Von Waterloo by Rolf Fuhrmann from Heere & Waffen N 12 . It shows the sphinx above a shield style with the Regt Number on it.
The information being posted is what PF is all about , love to see a full view of the colour that Keith has posted as well .