Hi Alex, great period one of my favorites, the spanish company El Viejo Dragón Miniaturas have two Prussian Figures, a Prussian Officer 1870(C4F23) and Prussian infantryman. 1870(C4F35), if you haven't paint one of the EVD kits you should know they are smaller that other figures brands(Pegaso)
Pegaso Models
Rifle Drummer, 1860(54083)
F. M Beneito,
Prussian Uhlan trumpeter 1870(MV/47)
Algerian Tirailleurs 1848(MV/8)
Zouaver Officer(MV/9) also from 1848 but may be you can make some transformation. :lol:
Elisena(Italian manufacturer)
French trooper "Chasseur à pied"(10031)
"Voltigeur of the Guard"(10032)
Prussian Officer 9th rgt of Ulhans(10033)
Prussian officer 5° Pomeranian Hussars(10055)
French marine infantryman(10080)
Elite Miniatures also have some figure but they are all 70mm
I hope this small list can help you
Take care and have a good painting