Well-Known Member
Following my review, I've managed to get this one assembled and based, just waiting for the miliput to dry and we'll be off for priming. I'm thinking of using Citadel white primer, as I dont like the plasticy nature of andrea primer.
I superglued the parts together after dry test fitting, with rocket rapid then filled the gaps with fine miliput, is that the right thing to do? as I'm a beginner at this big 54mm figures melarky.
I only had this base which was sufficient to carry him on, and needed to base him as he is top heavy.
When looking at the composition, it looks rather one sided, so if I can find some twigs i'll even it up a bit.
If you have time please could you help with tips on the whole process, and also critique my painting, with honest comments, dont spare the horses as I want to improve at these larger scale chaps.
Much obliged.
Original photo from the internet
My one
I superglued the parts together after dry test fitting, with rocket rapid then filled the gaps with fine miliput, is that the right thing to do? as I'm a beginner at this big 54mm figures melarky.
I only had this base which was sufficient to carry him on, and needed to base him as he is top heavy.
When looking at the composition, it looks rather one sided, so if I can find some twigs i'll even it up a bit.
If you have time please could you help with tips on the whole process, and also critique my painting, with honest comments, dont spare the horses as I want to improve at these larger scale chaps.
Much obliged.
Original photo from the internet

My one