Completed 75mm United States Marine c.1836


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F Troop

PlanetFigure Supporter
Oct 18, 2007
Woodbridge, Virginia
I posted my initial review of the APG 75mm 1833 Marine a while back and have been following Viking Bob’s WIP with great interest. This is a really neat figure and Nap suggested a parallel WIP so here goes my version. Viking Bob is painting an 1833 version and I am doing an 1836 Marine. The only real difference is with the rank insignia. Here are my opinions with pics following.

My “Tar Bucket” Shako was flat on top so I gave mine a little more of a dome per original. A larger 5 ½ inch version of the shako eagle began to be used in 1836 so the kit eagle is correct for either the 1833 or 1836 eagle.

Donna Neary and Don Troiani both include a vent pick & pan brush, standard accessories for flint locks, so I added those. Regulations call for drop front trousers also shown by these artists so I added side edges of the drop front as they were missing.

Jack Thompson added a sling to his Marine so I’m following his lead and adding one also.

The original 1833 uniform regs were amended in 1836. Basically a change in enlisted rank insignia. In 1833 rank was indicated with slash sleeve buttons, wing epaulettes and a sergeant trouser stripe. In 1836 the Corp shifted to a chevron sleeve insignia (my 1836 sergeant wears the single chevron). I included my two cheat sheets which hopefully are reasonably accurate based on my references.

I made a trip to Quantico and took a couple of pictures of their 1833 Officer jacket. Being and officer, I figure the material was finer than what was issued to the rank and file. It appeared to have more of a bluish component in color. Bear in mind I was taking the picture in subdued lighting and the uniform is behind glass so it’s not the best example of “Grass Green” for the enlisted types.

Grass Green, to quote the United States Marine Corps Historical Company, was “notoriously poor” and color shifts were almost immediate. That being said I included the 1833 Marine as painted by several respected painters, three artists and a Marine reenactor. My opinion is that the most accurate Grass Green is the one that appeals to your eye. I feel the same can be said for the trousers (Bill Horan's figure wears the summer white trousers and no stripe)

For what it’s worth I used AK11140 Grass Green and SART 32 Artist Scalecolor Spring Green for my figure and Vallejo Panzer Aces 305 Light Rubber for the trousers). I used AK11031 Buff and really like it for my turnbacks and trim.

I will post in Completed Figures when done but I’m a bit slower in getting things done these days


Screenshot Shako.jpg USMC_Off_Coat2.jpg USMC_Off_Coat.jpg

Donna_Neary.jpg Toriani.jpg grassgreen.jpg

IMG_8300a.JPG IMG_8302.JPG IMG_8308.JPG IMG_8313.JPG sling (2).JPG

MarionBall.jpg JackThompson.jpg BillHoran.jpg
Looks really good and I love the additions you've made. The reference material is interesting.

Cheers Simon
Nice going my friend, I have given up.....
when I undercoated the figure I notice quite a few swirls mark to do with 3d printing s a dunk in the stripper and start again.
Hi Pete

Thanks for sharing this , great references ..going to keep those handy .

Really like the researched additions and very well explained

Liking the uniform green you’ve got

Looking forward to seeing more

Have fun @ the bench

Very nice work, and the uniform info is going to be very useful. (y)

Have always enjoyed and appreciate your work! Still recall your conversion of the Little Generals Cherokee Rifles would love to see you again at our show in Atlanta in February! Terry Martin of the AMFS
Have always enjoyed and appreciate your work! Still recall your conversion of the Little Generals Cherokee Rifles would love to see you again at our show in Atlanta in February! Terry Martin of the AMFS

I remember that conversation. That Ole'Cherokee still sits in my cabinet. I would love to get back down to the Atlanta Show and it may yet still happen. As I remember Atlanta always has a goodly number of civil war figures which is my favorite era. Switched to acrylics some time back and my eyes are not what they were but I still enjoy getting my brush wet! May just see you again the LORD willing
Great to hear from you Randy! the War Between The States is still a popular topic among our members and attendees! It would be awesome to see and talk with you again! I still have several pics of your Cherokee Rifles stay in touch buddy! Always enjoyed chatting with you! All the Best… Terry and the AMFS gang
Getting down to the final details which I hope to finish up this weekend. Had to strip the shako because I was not happy with the sheen. Better now. The shako was varnished leather. I like my "grass green" but the camera captures it a bit lighter than in real life. The sample in the pic is closer and still a little darker. I use Vallejo 70804 Beige Red to undercoat my flesh tones.
Keeping the weathering very light on lower trousers

Rick in Virginia

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Hi Rick

Good to see the updates on this fine figure ...oh how I wish there was a bust , really like that green and the work on the shako ....did you use any varnishes on it ?

It’s good to see you working on the figure in a V Bench thread , look forward to the finished piece and pics in Completed forum

Have fun and enjoy

Hi Rick

Good to see the updates on this fine figure ...oh how I wish there was a bust , really like that green and the work on the shako ....did you use any varnishes on it ?

It’s good to see you working on the figure in a V Bench thread , look forward to the finished piece and pics in Completed forum

Have fun and enjoy


Vallejo Satin with a bit of Gloss Varnish and Vallejo Glaze Medium did the trick for me. I wanted to bring the sheen up a bit more than the straight Satin.
He's looking damn good and a nice striking uniform it is too, really like that green. The shako looks great with the varnish and the gold work will really contrast well.

Cheers Simon
Great work!

As I wrote in Viking Bob's thread on this figure, that's one of those figures I would buy, even if not one of my main areas of interest... but I'm a little put off by the printing lines problem.
That's a great figure and the subtle difference in the uniform regulations from 1833 to 36. I like the changes.

A great figure and don't be put off with a few lines, easily solved.
Great work!

As I wrote in Viking Bob's thread on this figure, that's one of those figures I would buy, even if not one of my main areas of interest... but I'm a little put off by the printing lines problem.

I posted this in the other thread.

The Lost Battalion Miniatures has the original Michael Robert’s Ltd release in 120mm (and in resin).
