8th Figure (SBS I suppose)


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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
I thought I'd show the development of my 8th figure as I complete it.

This is done with acrylics.

I have started with the face. The good thing about this kit, from a beginners perspective is that there are a number of sub assemblies that allow for easier painting:-

1. The Head and collar
2. The Shako
3. The arms
4. The torso
5. The legs
6. The Pelisse
7. The Sword
8. The Sabretache
9. The Musketoon
10.The Belts
11. The cartridge pouch

Not totally happy with the blonde hair, so might change to brown, unless someone on PF can give me some pointers please.

As always your critique and comments would be most welcome.

Thanks for looking.


Here's another shot, showing the duelling scar more clearly.


It looks already great. What about the blond colour? This is blond, and a great blond to. So leave it as it is. Only the moustache is a little bit uncommun. I must say that i seen never blond moustaches unless they are painted. Maybe that is what you don't like. So make the moustaches light brown or something else, but not blond.

Originally posted by megroot@Mar 5 2006, 02:36 PM
Only the moustache is a little bit uncommun. I must say that i seen never blond moustaches unless they are painted. Maybe that is what you don't like. So make the moustaches light brown or something else, but not blond.

I beg to differ here ; I'm a "true" blonde myself - what you'd call "Venetian Blonde" - and that means that when you grow a moustache or beard, it is also blonde, perhaps only slightly darker and more ginger in coulour.
This hair colour actually changes to a Platinum blonde shade when you grow older and get grey hair (actually nobody ever notices that you get grey hair ... wonderful ! :lol: )

Trust me, I know ! ;)

OK, enough self-flattery - I just wanted to say that this hussar's hair and moustache are actually well painted. :)
Tim, The face on number 8 is off to a good start. Other than needing a bit more shading theblond hair looks fine to me.~Gary
Thanks guys for all the comments.

I have played with the hair and moustache a bit, added some olive green, although still not convinced!!

I have painted the shako, images are hastily done so some of the effects are lost due to poot camera work and I think that I placed my light sources too near the subject, hence the shine on!!

As always comments would be appreciated. As there was no regiment number moulded into the shako plate, I've had to paint the number by hand. Not totally finished, as the cockade needs to be shaded and highlighted, plus the buckle on the strap above the peak at the back needs to be painted.





I've posted a couple of images with the shako on the head just to get an idea.



As always thanks for looking.
Originally posted by garyjd@Mar 8 2006, 11:48 PM
I did not realize the 7th had green shakos.~Gary


Neither did I until I started doing some research. Of the six or seven references that I used it was pretty much a 50/50 split on green or black shakos, just liked the idea of green so went with that.



Megroot, Johan and Cristos thanks for the comments as well
Tim, Thanks. I've seen colored shako used before. This is probably a nit-pick but the style is not the same as the one in the reference you used. Oh well, you're doing a good job on his face. Paint some more.~Gary
Gary, appreciate that, no nit pick at all! :)

It seems difficult, nigh on impossible to find Hussar uniform commonality, IIn all the references I have yet to find an image of a Hussar wearing similar Shakos, some wear 1806 style, others the 1810, technically in this kit the whole of this shako could be construed as incorrect, the shako plate for starters, also more often than not if plumes were attached (had been de- regulated after 1812 Bardin thingy) then caplines and flounders would probably have been worn. Neither of which were included (and I certainly don't have the skills yet to scratch build!!)

I think that hussars are hussars and their flambouyancy often took over sensible campaign dress!

As the Dolman and Pelisse are green, I don't think that it will look out of place, if it does, I'll consider re-painting. :(

I must say this larger scale is throwing up some additional problems for a newbie. Specifically at this scale I would imagine that you would see some texture of the cloth and I am racking my brian as to how best to do this. Thought maybe a long haired flat brush, much the same as you might do to replicate horse hair?
Tim, You bring up a few interesting points. One the Ospreys on Napoleon's cavalry mention a mix of leather equipment being used. So every trooper is not always going to be uniformed or equiped exactly the same.~Gary
I have finished the shako tonight.

I also re-touched the hand, although still might tweak it.

Painted the plume and pom-pom, shaded the cockade. I'm quite pleased with the plume, although the images as they were rushed IMHO don't show it to it's best.

Also painted the collar, might need to do some more top highlights and deep shadows, I'll wait until I see it in real daylight.

Have touched up the hand as well, again images don't do it justice.

On the whole I'm quite pleased with the progress and the way the figure is comming to life.

I have primed the torso and right arm so will hopefully get the dolman based in green tonight as well.

As always comments and critique will be most welcome.






Here is the left hand



Thanks for looking


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