A Fixture
Zulu Warrior
90mm resin cast
Sculpted by Alan Tan
Painted by G. Baoluo
Parts: 12
Since I first did a News Release last fall I have wanted to order this kit and finally have. It was well worth the wait. Not since Almond Miniatures Zulu have I seen a figure of a Zulu come close to its equal. Beautiful muscle sculpting and Monkey tail detail in Alan’s sculpting.
The kit comprises 12 parts with mold sprue to protect the delicate pieces durring shipping. The kit also come with a paint guide showing the front and back of the figure.
Here is the kit layed out with the head feathers in the bottom left corner protected on the mold sprue. The feathers have a real thin attachment that can be cut away with an xacto knife. Beautiful detail on all the parts with good clean attachment to the opposite surface.
Here is a close up of the body detail showing the muscle sculpting and facial detail.
Overall I was very pleased when this kit came to me with others and was the first one I opened. I also received Miniature Alliance’s Mongol Archer which will be another kit review.
90mm resin cast
Sculpted by Alan Tan
Painted by G. Baoluo
Parts: 12
Since I first did a News Release last fall I have wanted to order this kit and finally have. It was well worth the wait. Not since Almond Miniatures Zulu have I seen a figure of a Zulu come close to its equal. Beautiful muscle sculpting and Monkey tail detail in Alan’s sculpting.
The kit comprises 12 parts with mold sprue to protect the delicate pieces durring shipping. The kit also come with a paint guide showing the front and back of the figure.
Here is the kit layed out with the head feathers in the bottom left corner protected on the mold sprue. The feathers have a real thin attachment that can be cut away with an xacto knife. Beautiful detail on all the parts with good clean attachment to the opposite surface.
Here is a close up of the body detail showing the muscle sculpting and facial detail.
Overall I was very pleased when this kit came to me with others and was the first one I opened. I also received Miniature Alliance’s Mongol Archer which will be another kit review.