9th Gate Miniatures - NEW Company


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everyone

Time to introduce a brand new company called 9th GATE MINIATURES

Details of the company and concept taken from website


The 9th Gate Miniatures Company has been established by a professional figures collector and hobbyist with more than 20 years of experience together with a professional miniatures painter, who is also a product designer and industrial modelist with not as many but very successful years of experience in the figure painting world.

In the opinion of many collectors, hobbyists and founders of this company, there is somewhat of a gap in the figures and bust market.

Very often we can see that the same sculptors are working for many different companies, and their personal style is recognisable, which is good, but at the same time their figures are not very unique in style and do not have an individual charm and spirit.

It is likely that over time, some standards for figures were defined - such as certain poses created as though for a personal photo shoot, or poses that are repeated from one miniature to another. It is a pity, but often, behind figures that relate to historical miniatures, there is no background, there is no artistic thought – for a collector or a hobbyist, it is very difficult to answer the question - what the artistic meaning was invested in this or that figure, and where does the in-depth creativity lay?

Quite often, if there is a figure in the market with the proper name of its historical prototype, then its portrait similarity to the original is not there, because sculptors who have done this type of figure have problems with anatomy, and only true professionals do achieve quality figures, and especially when it comes to portraying more define facial expressions of these miniatures.

The last problem is that in the current market it is very difficult to purchase a figure or bust that is remembered immediately and instantly. The market has a fairly large number of new products every month, and on the one hand, I want to buy a few miniatures. How to solve this issue?

It's very simple - so you see a new release, and a few minutes later without being in front of it, try to create the sculpture in your mind, reproduce it as authentic as possible, and clearly remember not only to which character it belongs to, but also some of the details you like most. Now, if you remember all of these, then you should buy it.

The approach of our company is simple - once you see our miniatures, you will clearly reproduce them in your memory in a week and a month. Each of our miniatures corresponds to our slogan – the life or remarkable people.


They are concentrating on 1/14th releases in busts with figure to follow looking at the website

6 new releases available in sets of 3 or individually all depicting HM The Queen and Prince Philip in early , mid and later life

Choice options of with headwear or bareheaded

Certainly worth bookmarking

They have a Facebook page as well

Website details : https://9gate-miniatures.com.

E mail contact : [email protected]

Firstly HM The Queen


This last can be painted in various versions

Prince Philip



After reading the preamble l was expecting something quite revolutionary rather than something that would be more at home in the tower of London gift shop.

Although l am not enamored with the choice of subject some of the likenesses are quite good but not all, no idea how many variations they intend to release in what is a niche market.

Having identified what they obviously see as flaws in the market l look forward to seeing offerings which might live up to the hype
Hi Guys

My thoughts on these are as Steve says a little niche , sculpting looks good but agree with Keith the older versions are my favourite as well ....lots of medals !

Agree with comments about pre amble ..bit long winded

I would probably buy the older ones and HM in her WW2 uniform ...what I have noticed is the "Star" is missing on the older queens clothing ...or at least some of it .

Looking at website they are £20 each or £50 for 3 ....not sure if you can mix and match ??

Let's see what they follow these up with


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They do sound full of themselves don't they?What I see is some excellent busts,beautifully sculpted,impeccably cast and painted to a high standard but nothing that would imprint itself on my mind making it impossible to forget or instantly recognisable for that matter.Nothing bad with having great aspirations and dreams and if what comes next stands up to their manifesto I will surely applaude but for now this is one more promising and high quality company among many other equally promising and high quality companies.

Have to concur with the other comments about the preamble, it really is a load of old waffle that promises much more than it delivers. Must confess that I didn't even bother reading it first time round.

Still, we can only wish them well and hope that they come up with something a bit more exciting next time.

- Steve
Must be the heatwave over here clouding my brain, but a niche it certainly is to put it mildly! I wouldn't even consider painting three versions of one of our monarchs, but that's us Belgians of course. I noticed that young and middle-aged Philip has exactly the same medals however, which is rather odd, but then with royalty you never know. As for the introductory blablabla, I don't recall Ray Lamb or Sid Horton, to name just a few, ever stuffing us with literary hyperbole when announcing a new figure. They just did their job awfully good, we read about it in MilMod, bought it and painted it! Yes I know, too many hours in the glaring sun counting killer whales affects my reason! Sorry guys, must be the heat!
Have to say the older versions are the only ones that do it for me and then I think only a very skilled painter will be able to achieve a lifelike representation in this scale. The younger versions don't succeed for me. I doubt I would have guessed who they were without the write up.
Hello guys!
We would like to thank you for the kind invitation to the forum and we are here to answer any question you have, in fact, we appreciate any comment, good or bad of our figures or any other topic related to us.
Also we would like to ask you what do you see in our company, what is the feeling it sends to you.
We are very young, a couple of weeks now, but we have been working for almost two years. What you are seeing now is just the very start, and the figures we are releasing in the next weeks follow the same rule, but what we say is more what we want to accomplish (and i think you will understand with some of the releases we have planned) rather than what you are seeing this last two weeks.
Anyway, we will really appreciate any kind of collaboration to understand better the public, we are open to everything :)

Thank a lot