A chilly detour Metal Modeles 54mm


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A Fixture
Oct 15, 2014
Evening one and all.
I've eventually managed to finish the vignette which I've been working on (although I've done a few other things in between) I've already posted some photos of the hussar in a previous thread so you'll find further details of it's progress there.
The Engineer officer is another MM figure with a few minor modifications. I removed the braid from the right shoulder since he's in the field and I suspect these would have been carefully wrapped and stored. I also carved and hollowed out the coat-tails (casting these as a solid lump with the legs always looks a bit odd IMO)
Painting is all in the usual acrylics over a black primer (Vallejo and Andrea over Citadel respectively). Base was made to the requested size by Oakwood studios again (Thanks Richard) (y)
The groundwork is built up with DAS before adding coffee grounds and dried compost for dirt. This was completely painted and finished before adding the grass and frost. An initial arrangement showed it was lacking something so the trees were added after I'd shaped the DAS and frame the scene as well as providing a nice vertical element on the left. These were collected from the garden, spliced to give the correct shape and painted with PVA before finishing in acrylics so they matched the rest of the scene. A bit of ivy was added to tie them into the ground elements. I'll try to get some better photo's taken this week, but these'll give you a general idea.
A Chilly detour final.jpgA chilly detour 2.jpgA chilly detour 4.jpgA CD set up 1.jpgA CD set up 3.jpg
Super scene Paul. Lovely colours, particularly the Hussar and the groundwork just sets everything off nicely. Love the frost effect.

Paul, very nice scene and both compliment each other. Like the work you've done on each figure.
Superb painting as well.
Look forward to seeing this in the flesh later in the year.
Paul, very nice scene and both compliment each other. Like the work you've done on each figure.
Superb painting as well.
Look forward to seeing this in the flesh later in the year.

Agree with Mr Bobs comments on this nice vignette

Thanks for sharing

Why not enter FOTM as well as voting in the previous months comp

Happy benchtime

Another brilliant piece, Paul - apart from the figures, which I've commented on previously, what I particularly like is the frosty effect on the grass.
How did you achieve that?
Another brilliant piece, Paul - apart from the figures, which I've commented on previously, what I particularly like is the frosty effect on the grass.
How did you achieve that?

Hi Chris - bit of practice first mate (Even so it was a bit heart in mouth when I first started putting glue on to what was a nicely finished base):eek:
I made up a couple of test bases to practice on whilst the paint was drying on this and found that a light spray of adhesive dusted with some old micro-balloons (used as a filler for balsa wood models) Before this had fully dried I then added some Andrea snow effect for a bit of sparkle. I also pinched a few bits of grass tufts from the test bases to build up in various areas. The snow on the boots and hooves is a bit of PVA painted on the figures sprinkled with Micro-balloons.
Hope that helps
Thanks to all - appreciate the comments:)
It looks really cold. The officer of engineers must be wishing he had his greatcoat on.
I thought the same Richard
(I suspect the practicalities of living outdoors in chilly weather with poor uniform supply would have most regular troops in cold weather wearing whatever overcoats and stuff they could get hold of to stay warm; add in the smoke of a battle and identifying friend or foe may have come down to hat shape and position in the battlefield) ;)
