Completed this little vignette a wee while ago and meant to post some pictures . . .
Anyway I'm a big fan of Sid Hortons sculpts (since they were around when I first picked up a brush) Many thanks to Alan (OldTaff) who very kindly offered and then sent freethe Cardigan figure to accompany the figure of Lord Lucan which I'd got already (There was going to be the third member of this triumvirate since I've also got the Raglan figure from the same range which I'd started, but he didn't quite work when based up together)
Those who paid attention in class may recall that these two were involved in one of the most disastrous
cavalry charges of this or any other campaign and it would appear that there was very little love last between the two of them which may have had some bearing on this. Lord Lucan, being in charge of the cavalry, was married to Raglans sister who couldn't stand him but was under Lucans command.
Anyway I wanted to try and get some of this animosity across with this simple little pairing so I mounted them as if they had just been asked to 'move a little closer together' for one of the photographs that were taken at the time. A little sideways look and a slight turn of the figures was used to accomplish this . The groundwork is taken from one of several photos easily available on t'internet of officers in formal poses, although I omitted the wall that appears in some of these.
Painting is in Vallejo acrylics with a few thin washes of oils to help at the end. Apart from some minor details such as braided hat cords, chinstraps and sword slings they are pretty much straight out of the packet - not bad for figures which must be getting on for 30 years old!
Hope you like them