A few Q's on Australian Light Horse regimental patches ...


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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
Hey, all -

I set aside a Model Cellars Australian Light Horse 1/9 bust (MC 19012) a while back out of frustration. I've picked it up again, and on a bit more of a roll now, but a question comes up around the square regimental shoulder patches.

The box art shows the left shoulder, red-over-white, divided from lower-front to upper back. One reference I found (https://www.lighthorse.org.au/4-regimental-colour-patches/ ) showed white-over-red, identified as 4th Light Horse. Another shows the same as the box art, and identifies it as 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance 1916-1919 AIF. In addition, I've now seen many examples of the colors angling up, lower left t0 upper right, and down, upper left to lower right.

1) Is there a definitive canon of ALH regimental patches?
2) Is there any significance to the direction of color angles, or am I just seeing them as laid down differently for photographs? OR - is there some reg that says they'll angle up (or down) toward the front on both shoulders?

MC Aus Lit Hrse.jpg

TIA; any guidance will be appreciated!
Hi Russ,
These might help. The coloured chart is from the Australian Official History Volume 3. The black and white charts are from the Australian Army Colour Patch Register 1915-1949, which also states how the patches were to be worn on the arm. The fourth chart shows the change to the RHA patch. Charts 5 and 6 relate to the 4th LH Brigade while chart 7 shows the 5th LH Brigade, but only one example with notes for the 14th and 15th LH regiments underneath. Just click on the title and they will be shown in full page format.

The 4th LH Regiment was originally allotted to the 1st Australian Division as its divisional cavalry regiment. Contrary to what you see on many figures, the 4th LH Regiment was one of the LH regiments which did NOT wear an emu plume in its hat. The red and white colour patch is the cancelled patch for the 4th LH and was allotted to the 2nd Anzac Mounted Regiment (AIF Personnel) according to chart 5.



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The coloured chart doesn't really show the difference in the top (regimental) colour for the first two regiments in each brigade. The 1st, 5th, 8th, 4th and 14th LH Regiments are light blue and the 2nd, 6th, 9th, 11th and 15th regiments are green.
The coloured chart doesn't really show the difference in the top (regimental) colour for the first two regiments in each brigade. The 1st, 5th, 8th, 4th and 14th LH Regiments are light blue and the 2nd, 6th, 9th, 11th and 15th regiments are green.

Wow - thanks, Chris; that's a lotta info! :)

Yet, I didn't see a single patch exactly like what the boxart for this bust shows. Is this another example of the art not being entirely accurate, or did I miss something?

AND: What are the guidelines for which color goes in front, and does it change with the side? I.e., as in the box art, Left shoulder Red/White, red to the front; is the Right Shoulder patch also Red to the front (which would require two different patches)? Or is it the same patch on the Right arm, but White to the front?

This question makes perfect sense in my head, which is often a clear sign that I'm missing something.

Thanks again!
Hi Russ,
To answer your question, I have undertaken some more research, and found a photo of a 7th Light horseman showing the right shoulder. It seems they were issued with the one patch. So on the left shoulder it is as in LH colour patches 1 above ie Unit colour is worn over brigade colour with square end of brigade colour to the front. The photo shows unit colour (black) over brigade colour (red) with the square end of the brigade colour to the rear.

7th Light Hores.jpg

For those painting the 4th LH regiment the following is from the Australian War Memorial website:
In more recent years, former Adjutant of the 4th Light Horse Regiment, Major N. Rae, said his regiment's first commanding officer, J. K. Forsyth, also believed the emu plume belonged to the Queenslanders. The 4th Regiment never wore the plume on parade or in the field. Nonetheless, many members of the regiment possessed plumes to wear on leave.

Also the 6th and 7th LH Regiments (2nd LH Brigade) never took up the option of wearing the plume after the Minister for Defence approved that all LH regiments could wear it. The 1st and 3rd LH Regiments (1st LH Brigade) may also have not taken up the option, especially when Chauvel was the brigade commander, as he supported the Queenslanders sole claim to wearing it. The 8th, 9th and 10th LH Regiments all wore the plume, which started the controversy when they arrived in Egypt in February 1915. This was probably because there was a Queensland LH Regiment in the 1st and 2nd LH brigades.

The 6th LH Regiment wore a wallaby fur hatband rather than the normal single cloth one.