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Mike Vella

PlanetFigure Supporter
Nov 27, 2023
Hi all,

Though I registered with this site more than a year ago, I am just realising that I never properly introduced myself.

I’ve loved this hobby since the seventies and saw it grow from a handful of manufacturers producing clunky figures to today’s vast gamma of exquisite sculpts. Started with enamels, switched to oils, and now firmly planted in the acrylic camp. Painting figures has always intertwined with wargaming, my other passion so a lot of my time was split between the two hobbies. Add to that a long hiatus in my thirties and forties and now I realise that I don't have that much to show for all my painting years. So lately I have started painting in earnest again hoping to make up for the lost time.

I am entirely self taught and a lot of thanks must go to all the Youtubers and internet forum posters (including PF) out there who take the time and trouble to share their secrets and techniques with others to create a great learning tool. Without their input I would not have been as confident with acrylics as I am beginning to feel now. And there is still so much to learn……..!

Looking forward to the future with like minded people at PF, hoping to promote further this wonderful hobby of ours

Hello, Mike and thanks for introducing yourself. At the Planet it doesn't matter what you like to paint. It doesn't matter how well you paint it. All that matters is that you enjoy our shared hobby. We're a friendly bunch and always willing to help..
Glad to have you here Mike and always willing to share techniques and experience, the more figure modellers the better.

Cheers Simon
Hi Mike

A BIG WELCOME to PF from me good to have you here .

Great to have you with us , ( I only do busts ! )....share the PF word , all are very welcome to join ..no matter what's modelled with figures, fantasy , warhammer, war game figures

Have a good look around and enjoy

Do ask anything someone will know...feel free to message me with questions

Lots of different sections to look at including traditional and 3 D sculpting , competitions , WIP's , References , Painting techniques and so much more

There are threads in https://www.planetfigure.com/forums/planet-figure-announcements-support.224/ about how to do things including posting pics on PF but do contact me always happy to help

We have a Marketplace where after members have contributed 50+ posts can use to sell , request if anyone has a model to sell etc...You might also pick up some rather good bargains !

We have V Bench for WIP's and also a Completed part ,reference section and much more

There's also Painting techniques where you will find much about Acrylics and Oils

ALL figures are welcome and of course Vignettes & Diorama ( we run friendly competitions if you wish as well , one where there are 3 classes to choose in which to enter )

Look forward to seeing more from your bench no matter what subject .......its all about having fun

Happy bench-time

Nap ( Moderator/Admin )