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- Jan 10, 2012
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Hey all,
on a sunny weekend in June the Massive Voodoo team got together in Roman's Studio in Augsburg for a long-awaited family meeting. Almost all of us were there, even though we sadly had to do without our jungle brothers Daniele, Josua, Kilian and Philip, who were busy with other important stuff. Nonetheless, the remainder of the gang had lots of fun hanging out, talking, enjoying great food and, of course, painting!

We also made good use of our time to talk about future jungle activities - and to produce a little special something for our readers, viewers, and followers on social media. We don't want to spoil anything by telling you too much, but this should be said: there's something EPIC coming your way!

To make the waiting time a little less long, here are some impressions from the weekend.

This was absolutely legendary! As I am still quite new to the Massive Voodoo family - and even though I know some of these great human beings a bit longer already - this weekend sparked a lot more creative energy (that I was missing over the last couple of months) than expected. Being swamped with other super interesting and fun projects, painting somehow stepped back a bit from my focus - so I was very much looking forward to a relaxed and joyful couple of days with good friends, talks and laughter. A much needed and deserved pause from hectic daily life, a time to breathe and recharge those batteries, surrounded by wonderful people (and cats! and ... a whole armada of mosquitoes, who seemed to like my blood very much).
The first half of the year was gone in a silent swoosh - and not many brushes had been dipped into paint, yet. But this was about to change! Andy and I dropped the glitter bomb and had some oddly specific ideas with some glitter glue we got earlier from a drugstore - because glitter and dragons always go well together, don't they! Relaxing in-between to good, chill music, talks and the radiating passion for the hobby and art in general turned this weekend a wonderful breakout from the crazy world out there. Nothing was really finished on my painting table, but a good step of progress and some interesting findings were made. Maybe you'll see some of it here soon? ;-)
Thank you all so much for making me feel welcome, for all the talks, ideas, chats, Pizza, fun, pictures, weird little quirks, for being there, Speiseeis, the deep focus and the light laughter. For sharing tips and tricks, trying out new techniques, being lovingly weird, venturing into all that (non-)serious painting time, getting comfy on the sofa, flipping through books and admiring art.
When everyone returned to their own lives on Sunday, and while my own train only took off on Monday morning, I spent an afternoon and evening in cheerful solitude (well, again accompanied by a cuddly cat); thankful and feeling deeply humbled to be able to call this group of former strangers on earth family.
Looking forward to seeing you all again, and hopefully rather sooner than later! <3

What a great weekend meeting the gang.
First of all, many thanks to David for organizing the weekend and keeping the whole team on track, and also many thanks to Roman for providing the best possible place for the meeting and the great hospitality!
We are meeting regularly online but meeting in person is still another level. Beside of painting together and letting the creative energies flow, the best part was chatting with everyone, hanging out, and just having a good time. Felt somehow like a much-needed creative vacation.
Thank you everyone and I’m much looking forward to the next get together. I hope it is not too far in the future

… waiting for serious painting time and Speiseeis again, @HR

What a weekend!
Even though my social energies are pretty low at the moment and I am in urgent need for vacations (soon!) this weekend with friends felt like being in a safe harbour of family. It was refreshing, healthy, funny and beautiful to be sorrounded by friends and spending hobby time.
Thank you all for this beautiful weekend!
What a weekend - I arrived dead tired and left even more so, but what a jolt of energy and joy in between. Being on the team since 2019, we have been thinking about a get-together like this for almost four years now. But with Covid and everything else in between, it seemed that we were doomed to only ever meet during a painting class or miniature show. But then David came through and really pushed to make this a reality.
Arriving friday, we got a tour of the bright and shiny new MV-Studio - a location worth a visit! So many mementos, memories and exceptional pieces of art - miniature and others, the place itself is quite magic and inspiring. On saturday morning we then got together to get some serious painting time in - I think I finished 3 projects during this weekend and started a fourth. Sunday, we worked on the special surprise and also took a few photos. And of course we made plans for many new exciting Massive Voodoo things...
In hindsight, it seems that for many of us, this was a so much needed boost and painting vacation. So I guess one important take-home-message of this weekend is: Every now and then, try to find the time to get together with some people special to you - and some people new to you - and just paint. No classes, no contest, no exhibition. Just quality time, art and music. It might be exhausting but it will be rewarding.
I can't wait for the next one!
Well, it was high time to get the team together! While we had met in different constellations at various occasions over the years - at workshops, painting competitions, birthday parties or the odd informal get-together - I was eagerly awaiting the day when the whole family finally got together for the first time! It took a bit longer and a few postponements more than I expected, thanks to Covid, but when we got the date fixed for that June 2023 weekend, I was super-excited and happy - and very much looking forward to spending a few chilled and inspiring hours with my jungle brothers and sisters in Roman's new studio.
And what a beautiful weekened it was. Two sunny days in Augsburg filled with good talks, fun moments, and lots of laughter. There was great chemistry between all of us and the Studio was buzzing with this special energy of concentration, relaxation and focus many of you will know. You know, this feeling when you're in a painting flow and feeling comfortable and at peace with yourself and have great people surrounding you to share this feeling with. And, yes. Even I even got some painting done - even though before that weekend I only a had handful of painting-hours under my belt this year. While most of the time I was working on a 1/72 historical mini, on Sunday I painted my first ever Space Marine - check the blogpost on that.
So, when we parted on Sunday, it was with a mix of happiness and sadness, knowing that some of us will meet again soon enough, but that it will feel way too long until the next time the whole MV family gets together. I am counting the days already...

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