A Fixture
This is a kit I bought over 6 years ago, a Verlinden 120mm Apache.I kept taking it out of the box but something about it kept me from starting . Two years ago I decided it was the headscarf , it made him look more like a pirate than an Apache, so I cut the top of the head off and remodelled the bandana and added hair . The next problem was the base I wanted to have a feeling of height ,started bringing home small rocks when I was out walking with the dog but encountered too many problems trying to set on a wooden base and drilling holes for pinning the figure. So gave up for yet another year. Finally decided to make my own using blocks of polystyrene and grey floor tile grout.
Still a bit to do , paint the legs and hands, add the rifle and "weather" the rock!
Tune in again this time next year, it may be finished!