hi my sister is a big Abraham Lincoln collector and I was wondering if there are any figures or flats available that I could try to paint for her thanks
Or for something larger, Ken Mezines, a friend of my father, made a Lincoln at Gettysburg figure. I want to say the whole thing is about a foot tall. I believe he was selling both painted and unpainted versions of the figure. The plexiglass stand behind the figure has the end of the Gettysburg address on it (and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth). I don't know what he was selling them for or how many he might have left. But, if you'd like this figure send me a message and I'll get you in touch with Ken.
He also created a set of toy soldiers in the style of W Britain for Lincoln's funeral. These normally come pre-painted but he also has them in kit form.