Advice needed on Vallejo grey colour choices


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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2004
I have finished the mausgrau shirt for this Wolf figure, yet I think it looks lifeless and lacking in definiton. Can anyone suggest a good technique and choice of Vallejo colours to reproduce a more vibrant effect on a single coloured shirt?



This figure is making me think I'm just a one trick pony, capable of only camo patterns.


You could make the contrast a bit greater. More shadows? Stone Grey+German Grey and then German Grey?

More heavily outline the iron cross, seams, buttons for more contrast?
Highlight the buttons more or change the color on one of the buttons?

I think it looks pretty darn good as is... :)

Thanks for the mix Keith. I just needed an opinion on it. I will try that one out over the weekend, when I'm a bit less work stressed.


For my tecnic I use to cut the pure colors with some other kind one for ex. erth omber; or blue+red; or violet.
A bit of white to smuth to brilliant tone.
I think that your tecnic is good in my opinion you only have to give color to your base.

ciao Stefano

I think you have done a nice job - grey is very difficult, as I have just learned (recently painted a partially grey templar knight). I found myself using a step process, taking light grey 990 and using my palette to go about 3-4 shades lighter (to the left on my palette) by adding increasing quantities of offwhite (til nearly pure white), and then, to the right of my central color of lt. grey 990, going about 3-4 steps darker using neutral grey 992 and then a bit of German Cad. Black Brown 822 (I don't like to use straight black for darkest shades, but dark browns).

It took me forever, but I finally just said, "That is good enough!"

By the way, I am just beginning, so I am just sharing from my first experience into grey shading! For the german uniforms, you may want to strictly use the Vallejo german-based colors.

Finally - again, I think it looks nice and do not believe you are a "One Trick Pony"! :)

Matthew and Stefano, thanks for the kind words and suggestions. Kyle, I will order those missing colours to add to my growing drawer of Vallejos. I think that patience is the key factor in using acrylics, apart from careful dilution and unloading of the brush. Here's to a success with the next figure.

