Review African Woman from Albu Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi Folks

Following on from my introduction of ALBU MINIATURES here:

in it I promised to share a look at a piece I purchased from ALAIN BUTAEYE ( PF member Albu ), I chose 2 one being this:

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Click on pictures for a larger view

Note : This version is slightly different in respect the earrings

Details of the release:

Title : Africaine ( African )

Reference: N/A

Scale: 1/10th

Material: Light Gray resin

No of Pieces: 2 Resin and 3 sets of circular earrings

Sculptor: Alain Butaeye

Box Art : N/A

The shipping was fast and efficient with the model being received in a resealable bag and then packed in bubblewrap , when shipping to all others resin is in a bag in a cardboard box as well , a colour photo is also included

The sculpt depicts a proud african woman looking up over towards the left and wearing a high head wrap with a conch shell necklace with the clothing gently falling down over her left shoulder revealing the upper torso

A colorful subject for sure here are some idea's for the wrap/turban/flesh tones


A conch shell necklace as seen on the bust


Parts consist of 3 2 resin the main figure and a piece of the wrap , you then have the choice of earrings to use as you wish ...or you could use others as in the above coloured pictures

Albu African Woman 001.jpg


On a first look very little ...out came the optivisor and this was confirmed consisting of fitting the piece of the head wrap/turban and simply removing a small fine cast line at the rear and the small excess resin on the underside

General comments
  • Resin is very smoothly cast
  • Casting is very good indeed with minimal prep as above
  • Details are very good indeed
  • Features are very well shown
Continued in next post

Onto the resin

Main Torso

I am very impressed with the overall look of this piece head raised to the left , the neck muscles straining with the posture , very good definition on the neck

The facial features are without doubt captured very well by Alain with good defined eyes , nice work on the nose and the lips ( these being fuller ) , the ears themselves have holes ready to take the earrings

Being worn is the turban/Wrap and thsi si a mass of well positioned folds all looking very natural , its a pleasure to see such traditional sculpting skill

Underneath the material we have a small amount of hair peeking out , textured

Worn around the neck is a lovely looking version of a conch shell necklace , each shell is good and no miss casting , the shells are held on a cord , this hangs casually at the back

The clothing is a lightweight material with the female form showing , sculpted with care and not overdone , the material itself has nice natural folds worked in can of course paint a pattern on it or plain with a slight see through look ...a nice painting challenge

Albu African Woman 002.jpg

Albu African Woman 010.jpgAlbu African Woman 007.jpg Albu African Woman 006.jpg

Albu African Woman 004.jpgAlbu African Woman 008.jpgAlbu African Woman 009.jpgAlbu African Woman 003.jpg Albu African Woman 005.jpgAlbu African Woman 011.jpg

The small piece of the wrap fits easily into place after a small amount of resin is removed , again it shows the same excellent folds on the material

Albu African Woman 013.jpgAlbu African Woman 012.jpg

The Earrings

A choice of 3 sizes , in copper , how you use them is entirely up to you , I quite fancy them all hanging down in a line

Final Thoughts

I don't normally do non military but this is one that will be on my bench soon , the sculpting is a reall nice piece of work , so many options , both colourful and plain , and the challenge of course with the skin as well .
I am really happy I got this and I have a feeling it won't be my last , it great to support the smaller companies
Thank you to Albu for the fast shipping and for sculpting the piece

A company to bookmark and the website is well worth a visit


Contact Alain via PF or also via website and follow his blog

You can also look at his club website ( Le Lancier Pictave )

Some great work, including in the galleries including Alain's


Thanks for looking in

Happy benchtime

Hi Kev,
She looks nicely sculpted and casted, I thought at first that her head was twisted too far round to the left, but looking at some of the other pics you've provided proves me wrong, she looks good, I like the steampunk girl bust but I don't think that is available for purchase? it?
Hi Kev,
She looks nicely sculpted and casted, I thought at first that her head was twisted too far round to the left, but looking at some of the other pics you've provided proves me wrong, she looks good, I like the steampunk girl bust but I don't think that is available for purchase? it?

She is mate , the neck position is just right .....have a look on the website the available pieces are on the side with " par Albu "

Looking forward to painting it

Hello Kevin,
thank you for all the praise!
I'm very happy that you like this bust.
I think you will be able to have fun and the color scheme is limitless in terms of clothing or even skin color.
I wish you a good painting and will take pleasure in following the progress
Take good care of yourself

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