WIP After the apocalyps.


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A Fixture
Jun 14, 2018
Having the attention span of a fruitfly, and more voices in my head than I can count, I have always a multitude of projects on the go. Not all of those make to completion, but it keeps me of the streets :D.

I started this little set a few weeks ago, its The Last Bridge, a set of three figures in a series of Post-Apocaliptyc figures produced by Master Box. The figures are sculpted by A. Gagarin and injection moulded in styrene. They are in 1/24 scale, which is a good size for a diorama that I would like to make, which will hopefully included a wrecked car/truck or two, and the frontage of a building. If you were so inclined as to buy a set of these rather nice figures, be warned, not everything in the illustration is actually included in the kit. It shows a nice selection of accrutments hanging of his sacktruck, notably a hurricane lamp, a gasmask, and a selection of pickaxes and spears, ands a mahoosive crosbow. None of which are in the box.... :mad: Anyhow...

I've got as far as this with the two larger figures, I'm liking this scale, it's easier to paint detail than 1/35.
Obviously the eyes need a bit more work, the hair and beany hat are only undercoated, Etc etc..
Painted with what ever brand of Acrylic paint is closest to hand as I'm flinging, including a return to Citadel Reikland Fleshshade :sneaky:.
Really good figures, I did two of their Edge of the Universe set on a small vignette, but they both fell off! It will be interesting to watch this come to life.

Cheers Simon
Hi Henk

Not my thing but the figures look good and fun to paint by the looks of it

Thanks for the update looking forward to seeing more

Have fun at the bench

These figure series are great fun and it's nice to see different subjects like this. A nice start so far.....