I'm not so happy with gold embroidery... I tried many things on this figure...
The red not so good... and the face too...
Look dirty ?
What do you think ?
Nice to see the figure , good figure , ref your thoughts , I don't think the picture is helping , quite dark , I only do busts but I would suggest pushing the highs on the red a bit more as well as the cuffs
The gold , maybe try a wash and the rehighlight
Suggest a wash over the base and then rework the stones
Just my thoughts you should be proud of finishing ...every time we pick a brush up we learn for the next
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Agree with the others. This looks very nice indeed and both 'Red' and French Blue as colours are so easy to ruin by over-exaggerated lights and shadows; especially so in small 54mm.
I think it looks fine as it is and with some very nice details painting as well.