Alexander The Movie


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Anders Heintz

A Fixture
Aug 23, 2003
Dallas, Texas
Well after spending slightly over 3 hours at the movies last night watching Alexander, I have to say that I was very disapointed. For such a great historical leader they sure trashed it pretty good.

If you are going to go see the movie, I reccomend not to read up on Alexander berfore, sure, they showed some of the main events, but they left a lot of events out of the movie, that really captures who Alexander was as a person. Events that showed what kind of leader he was, how quick to think he was when something impossible was at hand such as crossing huge rivers and unbelivable mountains. I really did not get anywhere near as close a picture of him from the moive as from Valerio Massimo Manfredi's superb trilogy about Alexander the Great. But then again, most movies are not as good as the books.

The depiction of Alexander's closest companions was a complete miss (again, to me based on Manfredi's trilogy). Hephestion was depicted as long haired, femenine, 'girly man', Permenion the great general was depicted as a sinewy old fragile man who looked like he might cool over at any moment.

The best character was probably Alexanders mother, played by Angelina Jolee (sp?), she gave the impression of a mystical woman, maddly in love with Alexander and full of hate and contempt for Philip.

After all the hype and with such an awesome subject, I personally feel they trashed the whole Alexandre myth, and left a huge void instead of filling one. Someone needs to make another Alexander movie which is atleast as good and entertaining as Gladiator, and with Alexanders awesome feats in life that should have been an easy task.

Too bad they made this film as now we have to wait 10 years or better to make a version that would be worth acctually buying on DVD.

Highly disapointed!
"The depiction of Alexander's closest companions was a complete miss (again, to me based on Manfredi's trilogy). Hephestion was depicted as long haired, femenine, 'girly man'"...

Hephestion translated from greek is ...volcano ;)

Haven't seen the movie yet but from what I have read and heard from others that have a little knowledge of this history ( I dont know enough about Alexander, unfortunately ), you are not alone in your dissapointment. Your comments are also echoed in the Med Rom forum. I still might see it for the battle scenes, but wont take anything to heart as far as the rest goes.

Brad Spelts
What did you expect? It's an Oliver Stone movie :) So, who did Alexander in - the guy by the grassy knoll or one of Nixon's aides? :lol:
Hey Brad,

I don't even know about the battle scenes, some were neat, but frankly, I cannot remember any of them except the one where they haul ass and run into a bunch of elephants. The only time I felt I was in to the movie, like feeling gripped by it was when they were all lined up for a battle, and Alexander and his generals were riding infront of the army before the battle. I was just thinking at that time what it would be like to be in that position, watching your leader riding infront of you, right before he would lead you into battle and basically having to trust him fully not to mess up.

I think one of the WORST thing about the whole movie was when one of the soldiers yelled out: PHALANX ATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN...HUN! Like some kind of Marine Drill instructer at Paris was completely rediculus.

I am still wondering what the hell Mr. Stone was thinking, I mean, how can you spend so much money and come up with something so crappy?

Maybe I wont see it for the battle scenes. Maybe I will just wait for it to come out on dvd and then, possibly if I have time, and would not rather paint, or watch football, or drink a beer, I'll watch it for the heck of it. Ha ha.

Brad Spelts
Hey Brad,

It probably won't be long before you see it in the $5.99 bin at Wal Mart!

The History Channels special about the movie was far better then the acctual feature.

I think I will rent it though, because Im hoping it was not as bad as I remember it to be.
The movie was awful: terrible writing, bad acting, weird photography( red filter for an entire battle scene) and the worst direction in a major movie. Even the Vangelis score was mediocre.
Oliver Stone has proven once again that the term director should not be used in the same sentence with his name. He makes movies for himself. Unfortunately, no one else can make any sense out of them.
Don't waste your money on this one.
The only redeeming feature is that most of the costumes and armor are accurate.
I never thought I would say this but Troy was a better movie. And I ranked it is one of the all time worst historical epics.
Our reviews here does not make me want to rush out and see it. I shall wait until it appears on television and then decide between Kaptain Kangaroo or Alexander.