Review Ancient Indian Warrior from Altores Studio


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi Everyone

We have seen a lot of releases from Altores Studio , the company from Russia, covering all periods of history .
The one we will be looking at was originally released with a female companion which I reviewed here
The pairing were then separated at trade request so now you can buy single or as a pair .

The release I am looking at is


Note On the review box the wording has since been changed to read Ancient

Ancient India is a very hard subject to research , but very interesting even to do so , Religion and caste featured in the military aspects of India ( and indeed still does today)

Amour was varied wrap around , fighting often bare chested , carrying weapons more then suited to the purpose , amongst them maces and lethal swords .

Soldiers were also well skilled in unarmed combat and dealing with an armed enemy.



The ancient Hindus were a sensitive people, and their heroes were instructed that they were defending the noble cause of God, Crown and Country. Viewed in this light, war departments were 'defense' departments and military expenditure were included in the cost of defense. In this, as in many cases, ancient India was ahead of modern ideas.

Chivalry, individual heroism, qualities of mercy and nobility of outlook even in the grimmest of struggles were not unknown to the soldiers of ancient India.

Among the laws of war, include:
(1) a warrior (Khsatriya) in armor must not fight with one not so clad
(2) one should fight only one enemy and cease fighting if the opponent is disabled
(3) aged men, women and children, the retreating, or one who held a straw in his lips as a sign of unconditional surrender should not be killed

Here are a couple of books that I found giving a lot of information

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Continued in next post

Lets look at the resin:

Details of the release:

Title: Ancient ( Antique) Indian Warrior

Reference: F-75- 018

Scale: 1:24 or 75mm

Material: Gray Resin

No of pieces: 6

Sculptor: Igor Kordyukov

Box Art : N/A

As in the previous reviews I have done for Altores , packaging is good with the parts in bags and held between foam, the box was strong with the recognisable yellow text with the parts consisting of the main figure, 2 weapons ( mace and sword) ) , 2 ear rings , a left hand and a base

Altores Indian Warrior 002.jpg Altores Indian Warrior 001.jpg
Minimal with parts needing removal from the casting blocks and fitting , all easy to do , the main figure has a casting post under each foot and small ones at each elbow and wrist and there is a small piece to remove from the base.

First impressions of the casting is that its very well done , with no casting lines on the main torso , the actual undercuts are excellent with the armour being well detailed and every bit shows very clean work when sculpting .

Main Figure

This figure is stood legs apart weapon over his right shoulder , gesturing towards his body with the thumb of the right

Starting at the feet , as with his companion toes are very nicely done almost separate , good nail detail , at the ankles he wears bracelets ( possibly small bells ) , the lower leg muscle tones are very good .

Working up he wears the very full material wrapped round the legs and thighs being held in place by bringing the material up at the back ...almost trouser like , this gave the warrior freedom to move fast and was comfortable to wear and practical. The folds of the material are excellent all the way round , at the front we have a folded groin protector , again good undercuts where this meets the main material.

Our warriors armour consist of a wrap around corset , possible iron more likely hardened leather as well , great work on the edges and the stitching is on the pieces , the corset has been held in place by a cord , good detail on the knot

Up a little more and we have the very muscular torso excellent representation on the tones and shaping of these , at the wrists and upper arms we have braclets , with his sword belt running over his right shoulder .

Around his neck we see a fine collection of necklaces finely detailed , on the right shoulder is a cutout for the mace to fit nicely into .

I feel this is a high caste warrior , well armed and with much "bling"

Up now to the set piece of the sculpt the face this is a grinning fellow , like the cat that got the cream he has a happy face great work on the cheeks and the nose , a well kept moustache , eyebrows slightly raised , hair peeking out of the turban...all features are well shown and this will without a doubt be a lot of fun to paint .

Ears are ready to receive the earrings , the actual ears are very good

The turban he wears is as in manuscripts well folded and with the distinctive ball of hair formed on the top , the actual turban being wrapped around.

Altores Indian Warrior 003.jpg

Altores Indian Warrior 004.jpgAltores Indian Warrior 005.jpgAltores Indian Warrior 006.jpgAltores Indian Warrior 008.jpgAltores Indian Warrior 009.jpgAltores Indian Warrior 010.jpg
Altores Indian Warrior 007.jpg
Altores Indian Warrior 011.jpg

Just look at that face ..I bet he is a real treat for the ladies

Right Hand

Well detailed work on the digits with the thumb raised , fit is easy to the wrist .
Altores Indian Warrior 012.jpg

Weapons and Earrings

Earrings are rounded with a circular design on them , small pieces of course so be careful of that carpet monster!!

The sword shows the continued high standard of work released by Altores , nice details on the hilt and a good shape , its in the scabbard ready to use , the scabbard itself has a wrap around leather(?) belting , fit to the torso is accurate.

Altores Indian Warrior 015.jpg
Altores Indian Warrior 016.jpg
The mace is a very large and very dangerous looking weapon , the piece is very nicely designed with decoration on the ball end , sharply done . The hand is cast to the handle with shows a good understanding of the hand itself , fingers are nicely shown , the fingers having rings on a couple of them ...nice touch , again fit is easy with the mace sitting cleanly into the shoulder.

Altores Indian Warrior 014.jpg
Altores Indian Warrior 013.jpg


A simple oval in shape , slightly textured the feet position are outlined , suitable for use but most will use as a starting point for better groundwork .
Altores Indian Warrior 017.jpg

Final Thoughts

This release is one that will challenge painters with the material, armour and flesh tones , its a fun piece with full of character, a great face and showing really good sculpting throughout , a good stand alone piece but a really nice pairing with the Altores Indian woman figure as well .

I have no hesitation in recommending this and Altores Studio as a company for customer service as well as their previous releases , we have a talented sculptor as well

I mentioned a pairing so lets have a look at the couple together


For details on both the individuals and double set and indeed more from them :

E-mail: [email protected]


They are also a member of Facebook and the forum here on PF

Thanks to for the review piece

Also to you all for looking in ...ENJOY the modelling


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