Andrea 90mm WW I Stormtrooper


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May 10, 2005
This one is moving fast. There will be l.e.d.-lit clouds of gas rolling in behind him... lots of drama.

Still working on the base, and need to wait for the l.
e.d.s to arrive, hopefully tomorrow.

90mm WW I German Stormtrooper by Andrea Miniatures, painted in oils over acrylics.

I also need to make some barbed wire. Started him Sunday and made it this far by today.
Hi Matt

WOW!! That's really moving quick as you say ...I barely prime and base in that time

, nice painting and really original presentation which is very atmospheric

Look forward to seeing more updates

Happy benchtime

Now that's what I call inspired presentation, where on earth did you get the helmet from?

Amazing work.
Where did you get the Stahl Helmet.


I found it on eBay. A relic dug in Estonia. I believe (could be wrong) that surplus stahlhelm were sold or given to the Estonians after the war. Regardless, I loved the rusted out pattern.
Matt wow obviously the 200mm MP/Harley didn't put you off and you now come up with this cracker, but do me a favor can you buy one of those colour printed murals of a beach in Hawaii and place it over your window, I can feel the cold everytime you post.
Matt wow obviously the 200mm MP/Harley didn't put you off and you now come up with this cracker, but do me a favor can you buy one of those colour printed murals of a beach in Hawaii and place it over your window, I can feel the cold everytime you post.

That’s how I get work done. Too darned cold to go outside :)
Took a first stab at the mustard gas; the l.e.d.s have potential, but I need more than I bought, and all of a uniform color. More are ordered, so I’ll have to come back to this later in the week for a redo. I need some detritus of some sort in and around the trench, so any ideas would be appreciated. I’m going to try teasing up the ‘smoke’ to give it a more gaseous appearance; it’s too lumpy as-is. I think this idea is good, it’s just about making it work at this point. Anyone ever actually see the color of mustard gas? Not sure I trust the on-line pics I see.

Ok, here’s another try at the mustard gas. I will say this makes an awesome spooky night light. Waiting on some accessories from Jon Smith Modelbau to develop the foreground a bit. Unlit, lit in a bright room, lit in a dark room.5B5D1E48-2A07-4D8F-B3B2-47CEFAF096C6.jpeg6814F42D-BC88-4F7F-9ED1-95056D6BDAE1.jpeg8818D6E8-6EC9-467A-B121-0ED1ABC7CDC5.jpeg95600BD0-B961-4C95-95FE-8CE572EE7CDD.jpeg8866750E-9D2A-4E6F-8487-C9B048A284E8.jpeg371852ED-FCEA-4A0D-AE66-538FDF59DBBC.jpeg

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